.PHONY: help help: @echo @echo "Virtual Boy Emulator - October 10, 2024" @echo @echo "Target build environment is any Debian with the following packages:" @echo " emscripten" @echo " gcc" @echo " openjdk-17-jdk" @echo @echo "Available make targets:" @echo " build Perform all build commands" @echo " bundle Package the repository for HTML distribution" @echo " clean Remove output files" @echo " core Check the C core source for compiler warnings" @echo " wasm Build the WebAssembly core module" @echo .PHONY: build build: @echo " Check C core library for style issues" @make -s core @echo " Build WebAssembly core module" @make -s wasm @echo " Bundle directory tree into HTML file" @make -s bundle .PHONY: bundle bundle: @java web/Bundle.java vbemu .PHONY: clean clean: @rm -f vbemu_*.html web/core/core.wasm .PHONY: core core: # GCC generic @gcc core/vb.c -I core -c -o /dev/null \ -Werror -std=c90 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic # GCC compilation control @gcc core/vb.c -I core -c -o /dev/null \ -Werror -std=c90 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic \ -D VB_LITTLE_ENDIAN -D VB_SIGNED_PROPAGATE # Clang generic @emcc core/vb.c -I core -c -o /dev/null \ -Werror -std=c90 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic # Clang compilation control @emcc core/vb.c -I core -c -o /dev/null \ -Werror -std=c90 -Wall -Wextra -Wpedantic \ -D VB_LITTLE_ENDIAN -D VB_SIGNED_PROPAGATE .PHONY: wasm wasm: @emcc -o web/core/core.wasm web/core/wasm.c core/vb.c -Icore \ -D VB_LITTLE_ENDIAN -D VB_SIGNED_PROPAGATE \ -D "VBAPI=__attribute__((used))" \ --no-entry -O2 -flto -s WASM=1 \ -s EXPORTED_RUNTIME_METHODS=[] -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH \ -s MAXIMUM_MEMORY=4GB -fno-strict-aliasing @rm -f web/core/*.wasm.tmp*