use std::{ffi::c_void, ptr, slice}; use anyhow::{anyhow, Result}; use bitflags::bitflags; use num_derive::{FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive}; use serde::{Deserialize, Serialize}; use super::address_set::AddressSet; #[repr(C)] struct VB { _data: [u8; 0], } #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] type c_int = i32; #[allow(non_camel_case_types)] type c_uint = u32; #[repr(u32)] #[derive(FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive)] enum VBDataType { S8 = 0, U8 = 1, S16 = 2, U16 = 3, S32 = 4, F32 = 5, } #[repr(i32)] #[derive(FromPrimitive, ToPrimitive)] enum VBOption { PseudoHalt = 0, } bitflags! { #[repr(transparent)] #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Serialize, Deserialize)] pub struct VBKey: u16 { const PWR = 0x0001; const SGN = 0x0002; const A = 0x0004; const B = 0x0008; const RT = 0x0010; const LT = 0x0020; const RU = 0x0040; const RR = 0x0080; const LR = 0x0100; const LL = 0x0200; const LD = 0x0400; const LU = 0x0800; const STA = 0x1000; const SEL = 0x2000; const RL = 0x4000; const RD = 0x8000; } } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub enum VBRegister { Program(u32), System(u32), PC, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum VBWatchpointType { Read, Write, Access, } type OnExecute = extern "C" fn(sim: *mut VB, address: u32, code: *const u16, length: c_int) -> c_int; type OnFrame = extern "C" fn(sim: *mut VB) -> c_int; type OnRead = extern "C" fn( sim: *mut VB, address: u32, type_: VBDataType, value: *mut i32, cycles: *mut u32, ) -> c_int; type OnWrite = extern "C" fn( sim: *mut VB, address: u32, type_: VBDataType, value: *mut i32, cycles: *mut u32, cancel: *mut c_int, ) -> c_int; #[link(name = "vb")] extern "C" { #[link_name = "vbEmulate"] fn vb_emulate(sim: *mut VB, cycles: *mut u32) -> c_int; #[link_name = "vbEmulateEx"] fn vb_emulate_ex(sims: *mut *mut VB, count: c_uint, cycles: *mut u32) -> c_int; #[link_name = "vbGetCartRAM"] fn vb_get_cart_ram(sim: *mut VB, size: *mut u32) -> *mut c_void; #[link_name = "vbGetCartROM"] fn vb_get_cart_rom(sim: *mut VB, size: *mut u32) -> *mut c_void; #[link_name = "vbGetPixels"] fn vb_get_pixels( sim: *mut VB, left: *mut c_void, left_stride_x: c_int, left_stride_y: c_int, right: *mut c_void, right_stride_x: c_int, right_stride_y: c_int, ); #[link_name = "vbGetProgramCounter"] fn vb_get_program_counter(sim: *mut VB) -> u32; #[link_name = "vbGetProgramRegister"] fn vb_get_program_register(sim: *mut VB, index: c_uint) -> i32; #[link_name = "vbGetSamples"] fn vb_get_samples( sim: *mut VB, typ_: *mut VBDataType, capacity: *mut c_uint, position: *mut c_uint, ) -> *mut c_void; #[link_name = "vbGetSystemRegister"] fn vb_get_system_register(sim: *mut VB, index: c_uint) -> i32; #[link_name = "vbGetUserData"] fn vb_get_user_data(sim: *mut VB) -> *mut c_void; #[link_name = "vbInit"] fn vb_init(sim: *mut VB) -> *mut VB; #[link_name = "vbRead"] fn vb_read(sim: *mut VB, address: u32, typ_: VBDataType) -> i32; #[link_name = "vbReset"] fn vb_reset(sim: *mut VB); #[link_name = "vbSetCartRAM"] fn vb_set_cart_ram(sim: *mut VB, sram: *mut c_void, size: u32) -> c_int; #[link_name = "vbSetCartROM"] fn vb_set_cart_rom(sim: *mut VB, rom: *mut c_void, size: u32) -> c_int; #[link_name = "vbSetExecuteCallback"] fn vb_set_execute_callback(sim: *mut VB, callback: Option) -> Option; #[link_name = "vbSetFrameCallback"] fn vb_set_frame_callback(sim: *mut VB, callback: Option) -> Option; #[link_name = "vbSetKeys"] fn vb_set_keys(sim: *mut VB, keys: u16) -> u16; #[link_name = "vbSetOption"] fn vb_set_option(sim: *mut VB, key: VBOption, value: c_int); #[link_name = "vbSetPeer"] fn vb_set_peer(sim: *mut VB, peer: *mut VB); #[link_name = "vbSetProgramCounter"] fn vb_set_program_counter(sim: *mut VB, value: u32) -> u32; #[link_name = "vbSetProgramRegister"] fn vb_set_program_register(sim: *mut VB, index: c_uint, value: i32) -> i32; #[link_name = "vbSetReadCallback"] fn vb_set_read_callback(sim: *mut VB, callback: Option) -> Option; #[link_name = "vbSetSamples"] fn vb_set_samples( sim: *mut VB, samples: *mut c_void, typ_: VBDataType, capacity: c_uint, ) -> c_int; #[link_name = "vbSetSystemRegister"] fn vb_set_system_register(sim: *mut VB, index: c_uint, value: u32) -> u32; #[link_name = "vbSetUserData"] fn vb_set_user_data(sim: *mut VB, tag: *mut c_void); #[link_name = "vbSetWriteCallback"] fn vb_set_write_callback(sim: *mut VB, callback: Option) -> Option; #[link_name = "vbSizeOf"] fn vb_size_of() -> usize; } extern "C" fn on_frame(sim: *mut VB) -> c_int { // SAFETY: the *mut VB owns its userdata. // There is no way for the userdata to be null or otherwise invalid. let data: &mut VBState = unsafe { &mut *vb_get_user_data(sim).cast() }; data.frame_seen = true; 1 } extern "C" fn on_execute(sim: *mut VB, address: u32, _code: *const u16, _length: c_int) -> c_int { // SAFETY: the *mut VB owns its userdata. // There is no way for the userdata to be null or otherwise invalid. let data: &mut VBState = unsafe { &mut *vb_get_user_data(sim).cast() }; let mut stopped = data.stop_reason.is_some(); if data.step_from.is_some_and(|s| s != address) { data.step_from = None; data.stop_reason = Some(StopReason::Stepped); stopped = true; } if data.breakpoints.binary_search(&address).is_ok() { data.stop_reason = Some(StopReason::Breakpoint); stopped = true; } if stopped { 1 } else { 0 } } extern "C" fn on_read( sim: *mut VB, address: u32, _type: VBDataType, _value: *mut i32, _cycles: *mut u32, ) -> c_int { // SAFETY: the *mut VB owns its userdata. // There is no way for the userdata to be null or otherwise invalid. let data: &mut VBState = unsafe { &mut *vb_get_user_data(sim).cast() }; if data.read_watchpoints.contains(address) { let watch = if data.write_watchpoints.contains(address) { VBWatchpointType::Access } else { VBWatchpointType::Read }; data.stop_reason = Some(StopReason::Watchpoint(watch, address)); } // Don't stop here, the debugger expects us to break after the memory access. // We'll stop in on_execute instead. 0 } extern "C" fn on_write( sim: *mut VB, address: u32, _type: VBDataType, _value: *mut i32, _cycles: *mut u32, _cancel: *mut c_int, ) -> c_int { // SAFETY: the *mut VB owns its userdata. // There is no way for the userdata to be null or otherwise invalid. let data: &mut VBState = unsafe { &mut *vb_get_user_data(sim).cast() }; if data.write_watchpoints.contains(address) { let watch = if data.read_watchpoints.contains(address) { VBWatchpointType::Access } else { VBWatchpointType::Write }; data.stop_reason = Some(StopReason::Watchpoint(watch, address)); } // Don't stop here, the debugger expects us to break after the memory access. // We'll stop in on_execute instead. 0 } const AUDIO_CAPACITY_SAMPLES: usize = 834 * 4; const AUDIO_CAPACITY_FLOATS: usize = AUDIO_CAPACITY_SAMPLES * 2; pub const EXPECTED_FRAME_SIZE: usize = 834 * 2; struct VBState { frame_seen: bool, stop_reason: Option, step_from: Option, breakpoints: Vec, read_watchpoints: AddressSet, write_watchpoints: AddressSet, } impl VBState { fn needs_execute_callback(&self) -> bool { self.step_from.is_some() || !self.breakpoints.is_empty() || !self.read_watchpoints.is_empty() || !self.write_watchpoints.is_empty() } } pub enum StopReason { Breakpoint, Watchpoint(VBWatchpointType, u32), Stepped, } #[repr(transparent)] pub struct Sim { sim: *mut VB, } impl Sim { pub fn new() -> Self { // init the VB instance itself let size = unsafe { vb_size_of() }; // allocate a vec of u64 so that this memory is 8-byte aligned let memory = vec![0u64; size.div_ceil(4)]; let sim: *mut VB = Box::into_raw(memory.into_boxed_slice()).cast(); unsafe { vb_init(sim) }; // pseudohalt is disabled due to breaking red alarm unsafe { vb_set_option(sim, VBOption::PseudoHalt, 0) }; unsafe { vb_set_keys(sim, VBKey::SGN.bits()) }; unsafe { vb_reset(sim) }; // set up userdata let state = VBState { frame_seen: false, stop_reason: None, step_from: None, breakpoints: vec![], read_watchpoints: AddressSet::new(), write_watchpoints: AddressSet::new(), }; unsafe { vb_set_user_data(sim, Box::into_raw(Box::new(state)).cast()) }; unsafe { vb_set_frame_callback(sim, Some(on_frame)) }; // set up audio buffer let audio_buffer = vec![0.0f32; AUDIO_CAPACITY_FLOATS]; let samples: *mut c_void = Box::into_raw(audio_buffer.into_boxed_slice()).cast(); unsafe { vb_set_samples(sim, samples, VBDataType::F32, AUDIO_CAPACITY_SAMPLES as u32) }; Sim { sim } } pub fn reset(&mut self) { unsafe { vb_reset(self.sim) }; } pub fn load_cart(&mut self, mut rom: Vec, mut sram: Vec) -> Result<()> { self.unload_cart(); rom.shrink_to_fit(); sram.shrink_to_fit(); let size = rom.len() as u32; let rom = Box::into_raw(rom.into_boxed_slice()).cast(); let status = unsafe { vb_set_cart_rom(self.sim, rom, size) }; if status != 0 { let _: Vec = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(rom.cast(), size as usize, size as usize) }; return Err(anyhow!("Invalid ROM size of {} bytes", size)); } let size = sram.len() as u32; let sram = Box::into_raw(sram.into_boxed_slice()).cast(); let status = unsafe { vb_set_cart_ram(self.sim, sram, size) }; if status != 0 { let _: Vec = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(sram.cast(), size as usize, size as usize) }; return Err(anyhow!("Invalid SRAM size of {} bytes", size)); } Ok(()) } fn unload_cart(&mut self) { let mut size = 0; let rom = unsafe { vb_get_cart_rom(self.sim, &mut size) }; unsafe { vb_set_cart_rom(self.sim, ptr::null_mut(), 0) }; if !rom.is_null() { let _: Vec = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(rom.cast(), size as usize, size as usize) }; } let sram = unsafe { vb_get_cart_ram(self.sim, &mut size) }; unsafe { vb_set_cart_ram(self.sim, ptr::null_mut(), 0) }; if !sram.is_null() { let _: Vec = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(sram.cast(), size as usize, size as usize) }; } } pub fn read_sram(&mut self, buffer: &mut [u8]) { let mut size = 0; let sram = unsafe { vb_get_cart_ram(self.sim, &mut size) }; if sram.is_null() { return; } let bytes = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(sram.cast(), size as usize) }; buffer.copy_from_slice(bytes); } pub fn link(&mut self, peer: &mut Sim) { unsafe { vb_set_peer(self.sim, peer.sim) }; } pub fn unlink(&mut self) { unsafe { vb_set_peer(self.sim, ptr::null_mut()) }; } pub fn emulate(&mut self) { let mut cycles = 20_000_000; unsafe { vb_emulate(self.sim, &mut cycles) }; } pub fn emulate_many(sims: &mut [Sim]) { let mut cycles = 20_000_000; let count = sims.len() as c_uint; let sims = sims.as_mut_ptr().cast(); unsafe { vb_emulate_ex(sims, count, &mut cycles) }; } pub fn read_pixels(&mut self, buffers: &mut [u8]) -> bool { let data = self.get_state(); if !data.frame_seen { return false; } data.frame_seen = false; // the buffer must be big enough for our data assert!(buffers.len() >= 384 * 224 * 2); unsafe { vb_get_pixels( self.sim, buffers.as_mut_ptr().cast(), 2, 384 * 2, buffers.as_mut_ptr().offset(1).cast(), 2, 384 * 2, ); }; true } pub fn read_samples(&mut self, samples: &mut Vec, weight: f32) { let mut position = 0; let ptr = unsafe { vb_get_samples(self.sim, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut(), &mut position) }; // SAFETY: position is an offset in a buffer of (f32, f32). so, position * 2 is an offset in a buffer of f32. let read_samples: &[f32] = unsafe { slice::from_raw_parts(ptr.cast(), position as usize * 2) }; samples.resize(read_samples.len(), 0.0); for (index, sample) in read_samples.iter().enumerate() { samples[index] += sample * weight; } unsafe { vb_set_samples( self.sim, ptr, VBDataType::F32, AUDIO_CAPACITY_SAMPLES as u32, ) }; } pub fn set_keys(&mut self, keys: VBKey) { unsafe { vb_set_keys(self.sim, keys.bits()) }; } pub fn read_register(&mut self, register: VBRegister) -> u32 { match register { VBRegister::Program(index) => unsafe { vb_get_program_register(self.sim, index) as u32 }, VBRegister::System(index) => unsafe { vb_get_system_register(self.sim, index) as u32 }, VBRegister::PC => unsafe { vb_get_program_counter(self.sim) }, } } pub fn write_register(&mut self, register: VBRegister, value: u32) { match register { VBRegister::Program(index) => unsafe { vb_set_program_register(self.sim, index, value as i32); }, VBRegister::System(index) => unsafe { vb_set_system_register(self.sim, index, value); }, VBRegister::PC => unsafe { vb_set_program_counter(self.sim, value); }, } } pub fn read_memory(&mut self, start: u32, length: usize, into: &mut Vec) { let mut address = start; for _ in 0..length { let byte = unsafe { vb_read(self.sim, address, VBDataType::U8) }; into.push(byte as u8); address = address.wrapping_add(1); } } pub fn add_breakpoint(&mut self, address: u32) { let data = self.get_state(); if let Err(index) = data.breakpoints.binary_search(&address) { data.breakpoints.insert(index, address); } unsafe { vb_set_execute_callback(self.sim, Some(on_execute)); } } pub fn remove_breakpoint(&mut self, address: u32) { let data = self.get_state(); if let Ok(index) = data.breakpoints.binary_search(&address) { data.breakpoints.remove(index); if !data.needs_execute_callback() { unsafe { vb_set_execute_callback(self.sim, None) }; } } } pub fn add_watchpoint(&mut self, address: u32, length: usize, watch: VBWatchpointType) { match watch { VBWatchpointType::Read => self.add_read_watchpoint(address, length), VBWatchpointType::Write => self.add_write_watchpoint(address, length), VBWatchpointType::Access => { self.add_read_watchpoint(address, length); self.add_write_watchpoint(address, length); } } } fn add_read_watchpoint(&mut self, address: u32, length: usize) { let state = self.get_state(); state.read_watchpoints.add(address, length); if !state.read_watchpoints.is_empty() { unsafe { vb_set_read_callback(self.sim, Some(on_read)) }; unsafe { vb_set_execute_callback(self.sim, Some(on_execute)) }; } } fn add_write_watchpoint(&mut self, address: u32, length: usize) { let state = self.get_state(); state.write_watchpoints.add(address, length); if !state.write_watchpoints.is_empty() { unsafe { vb_set_write_callback(self.sim, Some(on_write)) }; unsafe { vb_set_execute_callback(self.sim, Some(on_execute)) }; } } pub fn remove_watchpoint(&mut self, address: u32, length: usize, watch: VBWatchpointType) { match watch { VBWatchpointType::Read => self.remove_read_watchpoint(address, length), VBWatchpointType::Write => self.remove_write_watchpoint(address, length), VBWatchpointType::Access => { self.remove_read_watchpoint(address, length); self.remove_write_watchpoint(address, length); } } } fn remove_read_watchpoint(&mut self, address: u32, length: usize) { let state = self.get_state(); state.read_watchpoints.remove(address, length); let needs_execute = state.needs_execute_callback(); if state.read_watchpoints.is_empty() { unsafe { vb_set_read_callback(self.sim, None) }; if !needs_execute { unsafe { vb_set_execute_callback(self.sim, None) }; } } } fn remove_write_watchpoint(&mut self, address: u32, length: usize) { let state = self.get_state(); state.write_watchpoints.remove(address, length); let needs_execute = state.needs_execute_callback(); if state.write_watchpoints.is_empty() { unsafe { vb_set_write_callback(self.sim, None) }; if !needs_execute { unsafe { vb_set_execute_callback(self.sim, None) }; } } } pub fn step(&mut self) { let current_pc = unsafe { vb_get_program_counter(self.sim) }; let data = self.get_state(); data.step_from = Some(current_pc); unsafe { vb_set_execute_callback(self.sim, Some(on_execute)); } } pub fn clear_debug_state(&mut self) { let data = self.get_state(); data.step_from = None; data.breakpoints.clear(); data.read_watchpoints.clear(); data.write_watchpoints.clear(); unsafe { vb_set_read_callback(self.sim, None) }; unsafe { vb_set_write_callback(self.sim, None) }; unsafe { vb_set_execute_callback(self.sim, None) }; } pub fn stop_reason(&mut self) -> Option { let data = self.get_state(); let reason = data.stop_reason.take(); if !data.needs_execute_callback() { unsafe { vb_set_execute_callback(self.sim, None) }; } reason } fn get_state(&mut self) -> &mut VBState { // SAFETY: the *mut VB owns its userdata. // There is no way for the userdata to be null or otherwise invalid. unsafe { &mut *vb_get_user_data(self.sim).cast() } } } impl Drop for Sim { fn drop(&mut self) { let ptr = unsafe { vb_get_samples(self.sim, ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut(), ptr::null_mut()) }; // SAFETY: the audio buffer originally came from a Vec let floats: Vec = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(ptr.cast(), AUDIO_CAPACITY_FLOATS, AUDIO_CAPACITY_FLOATS) }; drop(floats); // SAFETY: the *mut VB owns its userdata. // There is no way for the userdata to be null or otherwise invalid. let ptr: *mut VBState = unsafe { vb_get_user_data(self.sim).cast() }; // SAFETY: we made this pointer ourselves, we can for sure free it unsafe { drop(Box::from_raw(ptr)) }; // If we're linked to another sim, unlink from them. unsafe { vb_set_peer(self.sim, ptr::null_mut()) }; let len = unsafe { vb_size_of() }.div_ceil(4); // SAFETY: the sim's memory originally came from a Vec let bytes: Vec = unsafe { Vec::from_raw_parts(self.sim.cast(), len, len) }; drop(bytes); } }