use std::{ collections::HashMap, fmt::Display, fs::{self, File}, io::{Read, Seek, SeekFrom, Write}, path::{Path, PathBuf}, sync::{ atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering}, mpsc::{self, RecvError, TryRecvError}, Arc, Weak, }, }; use anyhow::Result; use atomic::Atomic; use bytemuck::NoUninit; use egui_toast::{Toast, ToastKind, ToastOptions}; use tracing::{error, warn}; use crate::{ audio::Audio, graphics::TextureSink, memory::{MemoryRange, MemoryRegion}, }; use shrooms_vb_core::{Sim, StopReason, EXPECTED_FRAME_SIZE}; pub use shrooms_vb_core::{VBKey, VBRegister, VBWatchpointType}; mod address_set; mod shrooms_vb_core; #[derive(PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Clone, Copy, Debug)] pub enum SimId { Player1, Player2, } impl SimId { pub const fn values() -> [Self; 2] { [Self::Player1, Self::Player2] } pub const fn to_index(self) -> usize { match self { Self::Player1 => 0, Self::Player2 => 1, } } } impl Display for SimId { fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result { f.write_str(match self { Self::Player1 => "Player 1", Self::Player2 => "Player 2", }) } } struct Cart { rom_path: PathBuf, rom: Vec, sram_file: File, sram: Vec, } impl Cart { fn load(rom_path: &Path, sim_id: SimId) -> Result { let rom = fs::read(rom_path)?; let mut sram_file = File::options() .read(true) .write(true) .create(true) .truncate(false) .open(sram_path(rom_path, sim_id))?; sram_file.set_len(8 * 1024)?; let mut sram = vec![]; sram_file.read_to_end(&mut sram)?; Ok(Cart { rom_path: rom_path.to_path_buf(), rom, sram_file, sram, }) } } fn sram_path(rom_path: &Path, sim_id: SimId) -> PathBuf { match sim_id { SimId::Player1 => rom_path.with_extension("p1.sram"), SimId::Player2 => rom_path.with_extension("p2.sram"), } } pub struct EmulatorBuilder { rom: Option, commands: mpsc::Receiver, sim_state: Arc<[Atomic; 2]>, state: Arc>, audio_on: Arc<[AtomicBool; 2]>, linked: Arc, start_paused: bool, } impl EmulatorBuilder { pub fn new() -> (Self, EmulatorClient) { let (queue, commands) = mpsc::channel(); let builder = Self { rom: None, commands, sim_state: Arc::new([ Atomic::new(SimState::Uninitialized), Atomic::new(SimState::Uninitialized), ]), state: Arc::new(Atomic::new(EmulatorState::Paused)), audio_on: Arc::new([AtomicBool::new(true), AtomicBool::new(true)]), linked: Arc::new(AtomicBool::new(false)), start_paused: false, }; let client = EmulatorClient { queue, sim_state: builder.sim_state.clone(), state: builder.state.clone(), audio_on: builder.audio_on.clone(), linked: builder.linked.clone(), }; (builder, client) } pub fn with_rom(self, path: &Path) -> Self { Self { rom: Some(path.into()), ..self } } pub fn start_paused(self, paused: bool) -> Self { Self { start_paused: paused, ..self } } pub fn build(self) -> Result { let mut emulator = Emulator::new( self.commands, self.sim_state, self.state, self.audio_on, self.linked, )?; if let Some(path) = self.rom { emulator.load_cart(SimId::Player1, &path)?; } if self.start_paused { emulator.pause_sims()?; } Ok(emulator) } } pub struct Emulator { sims: Vec, carts: [Option; 2], audio: Audio, commands: mpsc::Receiver, sim_state: Arc<[Atomic; 2]>, state: Arc>, audio_on: Arc<[AtomicBool; 2]>, linked: Arc, renderers: HashMap, messages: HashMap>, debuggers: HashMap, watched_regions: HashMap>, eye_contents: Vec, audio_samples: Vec, buffer: Vec, } impl Emulator { fn new( commands: mpsc::Receiver, sim_state: Arc<[Atomic; 2]>, state: Arc>, audio_on: Arc<[AtomicBool; 2]>, linked: Arc, ) -> Result { Ok(Self { sims: vec![], carts: [None, None], audio: Audio::init()?, commands, sim_state, state, audio_on, linked, renderers: HashMap::new(), messages: HashMap::new(), debuggers: HashMap::new(), watched_regions: HashMap::new(), eye_contents: vec![0u8; 384 * 224 * 2], audio_samples: Vec::with_capacity(EXPECTED_FRAME_SIZE), buffer: vec![], }) } pub fn load_cart(&mut self, sim_id: SimId, path: &Path) -> Result<()> { let cart = Cart::load(path, sim_id)?; self.reset_sim(sim_id, Some(cart))?; Ok(()) } pub fn start_second_sim(&mut self, rom: Option) -> Result<()> { let rom_path = if let Some(path) = rom { Some(path) } else { self.carts[0].as_ref().map(|c| c.rom_path.clone()) }; let cart = match rom_path { Some(rom_path) => Some(Cart::load(&rom_path, SimId::Player2)?), None => None, }; self.reset_sim(SimId::Player2, cart)?; self.link_sims(); Ok(()) } fn reset_sim(&mut self, sim_id: SimId, new_cart: Option) -> Result<()> { self.save_sram(sim_id)?; let index = sim_id.to_index(); while self.sims.len() <= index { self.sims.push(Sim::new()); self.sim_state[index].store(SimState::NoGame, Ordering::Release); } let sim = &mut self.sims[index]; sim.reset(); if let Some(cart) = new_cart { sim.load_cart(cart.rom.clone(), cart.sram.clone())?; self.carts[index] = Some(cart); self.sim_state[index].store(SimState::Ready, Ordering::Release); } if self.sim_state[index].load(Ordering::Acquire) == SimState::Ready { self.resume_sims(); } Ok(()) } fn link_sims(&mut self) { let (first, second) = self.sims.split_at_mut(1); let Some(first) = first.first_mut() else { return; }; let Some(second) = second.first_mut() else { return; };;, Ordering::Release); } fn unlink_sims(&mut self) { let Some(first) = self.sims.first_mut() else { return; }; first.unlink();, Ordering::Release); } fn pause_sims(&mut self) -> Result<()> { if self .state .compare_exchange( EmulatorState::Running, EmulatorState::Paused, Ordering::AcqRel, Ordering::Relaxed, ) .is_ok() { for sim_id in SimId::values() { self.save_sram(sim_id)?; } } Ok(()) } fn resume_sims(&mut self) { let _ = self.state.compare_exchange( EmulatorState::Paused, EmulatorState::Running, Ordering::AcqRel, Ordering::Relaxed, ); } fn save_sram(&mut self, sim_id: SimId) -> Result<()> { let sim = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()); let cart = self.carts[sim_id.to_index()].as_mut(); if let (Some(sim), Some(cart)) = (sim, cart) { sim.read_sram(&mut cart.sram);; cart.sram_file.write_all(&cart.sram)?; } Ok(()) } pub fn stop_second_sim(&mut self) -> Result<()> { self.save_sram(SimId::Player2)?; self.renderers.remove(&SimId::Player2); self.sims.truncate(1); self.sim_state[SimId::Player2.to_index()].store(SimState::Uninitialized, Ordering::Release); self.stop_debugging(SimId::Player2);, Ordering::Release); Ok(()) } fn start_debugging(&mut self, sim_id: SimId, sender: DebugSender) { if self.sim_state[sim_id.to_index()].load(Ordering::Acquire) != SimState::Ready { // Can't debug unless a game is connected return; } let debug = DebugInfo { sender, stop_reason: Some(DebugStopReason::Paused), }; self.debuggers.insert(sim_id, debug); self.state .store(EmulatorState::Debugging, Ordering::Release); } fn stop_debugging(&mut self, sim_id: SimId) { if let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) { sim.clear_debug_state(); } self.debuggers.remove(&sim_id); if self.debuggers.is_empty() { let _ = self.state.compare_exchange( EmulatorState::Debugging, EmulatorState::Running, Ordering::AcqRel, Ordering::Relaxed, ); } } fn debug_interrupt(&mut self, sim_id: SimId) { self.debug_stop(sim_id, DebugStopReason::Paused); } fn debug_stop(&mut self, sim_id: SimId, reason: DebugStopReason) { let Some(debugger) = self.debuggers.get_mut(&sim_id) else { self.stop_debugging(sim_id); return; }; if debugger.stop_reason != Some(reason) { debugger.stop_reason = Some(reason); if debugger.sender.send(DebugEvent::Stopped(reason)).is_err() { self.stop_debugging(sim_id); } } } fn debug_continue(&mut self, sim_id: SimId) -> bool { let Some(debugger) = self.debuggers.get_mut(&sim_id) else { self.stop_debugging(sim_id); return false; }; debugger.stop_reason = None; true } fn debug_step(&mut self, sim_id: SimId) { if self.debug_continue(sim_id) { let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else { return; }; sim.step(); } } fn watch_memory(&mut self, range: MemoryRange, region: Weak) { self.watched_regions.insert(range, region); } pub fn run(&mut self) { loop { let idle = self.tick(); if idle { // The game is paused, and we have output all the video/audio we have. // Block the thread until a new command comes in. match self.commands.recv() { Ok(command) => self.handle_command(command), Err(RecvError) => { return; } } } loop { match self.commands.try_recv() { Ok(command) => self.handle_command(command), Err(TryRecvError::Empty) => { break; } Err(TryRecvError::Disconnected) => { return; } } } self.watched_regions.retain(|range, region| { let Some(region) = region.upgrade() else { return false; }; let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(range.sim.to_index()) else { return false; }; self.buffer.clear(); sim.read_memory(range.start, range.length, &mut self.buffer); region.update(&self.buffer); true }); } } // returns true if the emulator is "idle" (i.e. this didn't output anything) pub fn tick(&mut self) -> bool { let p1_state = self.sim_state[SimId::Player1.to_index()].load(Ordering::Acquire); let p2_state = self.sim_state[SimId::Player2.to_index()].load(Ordering::Acquire); let state = self.state.load(Ordering::Acquire); // Emulation // Don't emulate if the state is "paused", or if any sim is paused in the debugger let running = match state { EmulatorState::Paused => false, EmulatorState::Running => true, EmulatorState::Debugging => self.debuggers.values().all(|d| d.stop_reason.is_none()), }; let p1_running = running && p1_state == SimState::Ready; let p2_running = running && p2_state == SimState::Ready; let mut idle = !p1_running && !p2_running; if p1_running && p2_running { Sim::emulate_many(&mut self.sims); } else if p1_running { self.sims[SimId::Player1.to_index()].emulate(); } else if p2_running { self.sims[SimId::Player2.to_index()].emulate(); } // Debug state if state == EmulatorState::Debugging { for sim_id in SimId::values() { let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else { continue; }; if let Some(reason) = sim.stop_reason() { let stop_reason = match reason { StopReason::Stepped => DebugStopReason::Trace, StopReason::Watchpoint(watch, address) => { DebugStopReason::Watchpoint(watch, address) } StopReason::Breakpoint => DebugStopReason::Breakpoint, }; self.debug_stop(sim_id, stop_reason); } } } // Video for sim_id in SimId::values() { let Some(renderer) = self.renderers.get_mut(&sim_id) else { continue; }; let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else { continue; }; if sim.read_pixels(&mut self.eye_contents) { idle = false; if renderer.queue_render(&self.eye_contents).is_err() { self.renderers.remove(&sim_id); } } } // Audio // Audio playback speed is how we keep the emulator running in real time. // Even if we're muted, call `read_samples` to know how many frames of silence to play. let p1_audio = p1_running && self.audio_on[SimId::Player1.to_index()].load(Ordering::Acquire); let p2_audio = p2_running && self.audio_on[SimId::Player2.to_index()].load(Ordering::Acquire); let (p1_weight, p2_weight) = match (p1_audio, p2_audio) { (true, true) => (0.5, 0.5), (true, false) => (1.0, 0.0), (false, true) => (0.0, 1.0), (false, false) => (0.0, 0.0), }; if let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(SimId::Player1.to_index()) { sim.read_samples(&mut self.audio_samples, p1_weight); } if let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(SimId::Player2.to_index()) { sim.read_samples(&mut self.audio_samples, p2_weight); } if !self.audio_samples.is_empty() { idle = false; }; self.audio_samples.clear(); idle } fn handle_command(&mut self, command: EmulatorCommand) { match command { EmulatorCommand::ConnectToSim(sim_id, renderer, messages) => { self.renderers.insert(sim_id, renderer); self.messages.insert(sim_id, messages); } EmulatorCommand::LoadGame(sim_id, path) => { if let Err(error) = self.load_cart(sim_id, &path) { self.report_error(sim_id, format!("Error loading rom: {error}")); } } EmulatorCommand::StartSecondSim(path) => { if let Err(error) = self.start_second_sim(path) { self.report_error( SimId::Player2, format!("Error starting second sim: {error}"), ); } } EmulatorCommand::StopSecondSim => { if let Err(error) = self.stop_second_sim() { self.report_error( SimId::Player2, format!("Error stopping second sim: {error}"), ); } } EmulatorCommand::Pause => { if let Err(error) = self.pause_sims() { self.report_error(SimId::Player1, format!("Error pausing: {error}")); } } EmulatorCommand::Resume => { self.resume_sims(); } EmulatorCommand::StartDebugging(sim_id, debugger) => { self.start_debugging(sim_id, debugger); } EmulatorCommand::StopDebugging(sim_id) => { self.stop_debugging(sim_id); } EmulatorCommand::DebugInterrupt(sim_id) => { self.debug_interrupt(sim_id); } EmulatorCommand::DebugContinue(sim_id) => { self.debug_continue(sim_id); } EmulatorCommand::DebugStep(sim_id) => { self.debug_step(sim_id); } EmulatorCommand::ReadRegister(sim_id, register, done) => { let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else { return; }; let value = sim.read_register(register); let _ = done.send(value); } EmulatorCommand::WriteRegister(sim_id, register, value) => { let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else { return; }; sim.write_register(register, value); } EmulatorCommand::ReadMemory(sim_id, start, length, mut buffer, done) => { let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else { return; }; sim.read_memory(start, length, &mut buffer); let _ = done.send(buffer); } EmulatorCommand::WriteMemory(sim_id, start, buffer, done) => { let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else { return; }; sim.write_memory(start, &buffer); let _ = done.send(buffer); } EmulatorCommand::WatchMemory(range, region) => { self.watch_memory(range, region); } EmulatorCommand::AddBreakpoint(sim_id, address) => { let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else { return; }; sim.add_breakpoint(address); } EmulatorCommand::RemoveBreakpoint(sim_id, address) => { let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else { return; }; sim.remove_breakpoint(address); } EmulatorCommand::AddWatchpoint(sim_id, address, length, watch) => { let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else { return; }; sim.add_watchpoint(address, length, watch); } EmulatorCommand::RemoveWatchpoint(sim_id, address, length, watch) => { let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else { return; }; sim.remove_watchpoint(address, length, watch); } EmulatorCommand::SetAudioEnabled(p1, p2) => { self.audio_on[SimId::Player1.to_index()].store(p1, Ordering::Release); self.audio_on[SimId::Player2.to_index()].store(p2, Ordering::Release); } EmulatorCommand::Link => { self.link_sims(); } EmulatorCommand::Unlink => { self.unlink_sims(); } EmulatorCommand::Reset(sim_id) => { if let Err(error) = self.reset_sim(sim_id, None) { self.report_error(sim_id, format!("Error resetting sim: {error}")); } } EmulatorCommand::SetKeys(sim_id, keys) => { if let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) { sim.set_keys(keys); } } EmulatorCommand::Exit(done) => { for sim_id in SimId::values() { if let Err(error) = self.save_sram(sim_id) { self.report_error(sim_id, format!("Error saving sram on exit: {error}")); } } let _ = done.send(()); } } } fn report_error(&self, sim_id: SimId, message: String) { let messages = self .messages .get(&sim_id) .or_else(|| self.messages.get(&SimId::Player1)); if let Some(msg) = messages { let toast = Toast::new() .kind(ToastKind::Error) .options(ToastOptions::default().duration_in_seconds(5.0)) .text(&message); if msg.send(toast).is_ok() { return; } } error!("{}", message); } } #[derive(Debug)] pub enum EmulatorCommand { ConnectToSim(SimId, TextureSink, mpsc::Sender), LoadGame(SimId, PathBuf), StartSecondSim(Option), StopSecondSim, Pause, Resume, StartDebugging(SimId, DebugSender), StopDebugging(SimId), DebugInterrupt(SimId), DebugContinue(SimId), DebugStep(SimId), ReadRegister(SimId, VBRegister, oneshot::Sender), WriteRegister(SimId, VBRegister, u32), ReadMemory(SimId, u32, usize, Vec, oneshot::Sender>), WriteMemory(SimId, u32, Vec, oneshot::Sender>), WatchMemory(MemoryRange, Weak), AddBreakpoint(SimId, u32), RemoveBreakpoint(SimId, u32), AddWatchpoint(SimId, u32, usize, VBWatchpointType), RemoveWatchpoint(SimId, u32, usize, VBWatchpointType), SetAudioEnabled(bool, bool), Link, Unlink, Reset(SimId), SetKeys(SimId, VBKey), Exit(oneshot::Sender<()>), } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, NoUninit)] #[repr(usize)] pub enum SimState { Uninitialized, NoGame, Ready, } #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, NoUninit)] #[repr(usize)] pub enum EmulatorState { Paused, Running, Debugging, } type DebugSender = tokio::sync::mpsc::UnboundedSender; #[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum DebugStopReason { // We are stepping Trace, // We hit a breakpoint Breakpoint, // We hit a watchpoint Watchpoint(VBWatchpointType, u32), // The debugger told us to pause Paused, } struct DebugInfo { sender: DebugSender, stop_reason: Option, } pub enum DebugEvent { Stopped(DebugStopReason), } #[derive(Clone)] pub struct EmulatorClient { queue: mpsc::Sender, sim_state: Arc<[Atomic; 2]>, state: Arc>, audio_on: Arc<[AtomicBool; 2]>, linked: Arc, } impl EmulatorClient { pub fn sim_state(&self, sim_id: SimId) -> SimState { self.sim_state[sim_id.to_index()].load(Ordering::Acquire) } pub fn emulator_state(&self) -> EmulatorState { self.state.load(Ordering::Acquire) } pub fn is_audio_enabled(&self, sim_id: SimId) -> bool { self.audio_on[sim_id.to_index()].load(Ordering::Acquire) } pub fn are_sims_linked(&self) -> bool { self.linked.load(Ordering::Acquire) } pub fn send_command(&self, command: EmulatorCommand) -> bool { match self.queue.send(command) { Ok(()) => true, Err(err) => { warn!( "could not send command {:?} as emulator is shut down", err.0 ); false } } } }