# Lemur A Virtual Boy emulator built around the shrooms-vb core. Written in Rust, using winit, wgpu, and egui. Should run on any major OS. ## Setup Install the following dependencies: - `cargo` (via [rustup](https://rustup.rs/), the version from your package manager is too old) - a C compiler (any will do, [the build script](https://docs.rs/cc/latest/cc/#compile-time-requirements) will find it automatically) - (on linux) `libasound2-dev` and `libudev-dev` Run ```sh cargo build --release ``` The executable will be in `target/release/lemur[.exe]` ## Release Bump the version number in `Cargo.toml`, then run this script: ```sh ./scripts/release.sh ``` It uses docker to cross compile for Windows, MacOS, and Linux. All binaries are left in the `output` directory.