Fixing a Gitsplosion

This commit is contained in:
Guy Perfect 2023-03-10 18:44:57 -06:00
parent 17277bb354
commit 133a5e7e82
9 changed files with 1817 additions and 1862 deletions

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@ -1,34 +1,35 @@
#ifdef VB_EXPORT
#define VBAPI
#ifndef VBAPI
#define VBAPI
/* Header includes */
#include <float.h>
#include <vb.h>
/********************************* Constants *********************************/
/***************************** Utility Functions *****************************/
/* Type sizes */
static const uint8_t TYPE_SIZES[] = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 4 };
/* Select the lesser of two unsigned numbers */
static uint32_t Min(uint32_t a, uint32_t b) {
return a < b ? a : b;
/* Sign-extend an integer, masking upper bits if positive */
/* Generic implementation */
static int32_t SignExtend(int32_t value, int bits) {
return value & 1 << (bits - 1) ?
value | ~0 << bits :
value & ((1 << bits) - 1)
/* Sign-propagating implementation */
#define SignExtend(v, b) ((int32_t) (v) << (32 - (b)) >> (32 - (b)))
/********************************** Macros ***********************************/
/**************************** Sub-Module Imports *****************************/
/* Sign-extend a value of some number of bits to 32 bits */
#define SignExtend(v,b) \
((v) | (((v) & (1 << ((b) - 1))) ? (uint32_t) 0xFFFFFFFF << (b) : 0))
/*************************** Subsystem Components ****************************/
/* Component includes */
#include "bus.c"
#include "cpu.c"
@ -36,252 +37,246 @@ static const uint8_t TYPE_SIZES[] = { 1, 1, 2, 2, 4 };
/***************************** Module Functions ******************************/
/* Process a simulation for some number of clocks */
static int sysEmulate(VB *sim, uint32_t clocks) {
int broke;
broke = cpuEmulate(sim, clocks);
return broke;
/* Process a simulation for a given number of clocks */
static int sysEmulate(VB *vb, uint32_t clocks) {
cpuEmulate(vb, clocks)
/* Determine the number of clocks before a break condititon could occur */
static uint32_t sysUntil(VB *sim, uint32_t clocks) {
clocks = cpuUntil(sim, clocks);
/* Determine how many clocks can be simulated without a breakpoint */
static uint32_t sysUntil(VB *vb, uint32_t clocks) {
clocks = cpuUntil(vb, clocks);
return clocks;
/******************************* API Functions *******************************/
/************************************ API ************************************/
/* Associate two simulations as peers, or remove an association */
void vbConnect(VB *sim1, VB *sim2) {
/* Process a simulation */
int vbEmulate(VB *vb, uint32_t *clocks) {
int brk; /* A break was requested */
uint32_t until; /* Number of clocks during which no break will occur */
/* Disconnect */
if (sim2 == NULL) {
if (sim1->peer != NULL)
sim1->peer->peer = NULL;
sim1->peer = NULL;
/* Process all clocks */
for (brk = 0; *clocks != 0 && !brk; *clocks -= until) {
until = sysUntil (vb, *clocks);
brk = sysEmulate(vb, until );
/* Disconnect any existing link associations */
if (sim1->peer != NULL && sim1->peer != sim2)
sim1->peer->peer = NULL;
if (sim2->peer != NULL && sim2->peer != sim1)
sim2->peer->peer = NULL;
/* Link the two simulations */
sim1->peer = sim2;
sim2->peer = sim1;
/* Process one simulation */
int vbEmulate(VB *sim, uint32_t *clocks) {
int broke; /* The simulation requested an application break */
uint32_t until; /* Maximum clocks before a break could happen */
/* Process the simulation until a break condition occurs */
do {
until = *clocks;
until = sysUntil (sim, until);
broke = sysEmulate(sim, until);
*clocks -= until;
} while (!broke && *clocks > 0);
return broke;
return brk;
/* Process multiple simulations */
int vbEmulateMulti(VB **sims, int count, uint32_t *clocks) {
int broke; /* The simulation requested an application break */
uint32_t until; /* Maximum clocks before a break could happen */
int vbEmulateEx(VB **vbs, int count, uint32_t *clocks) {
int brk; /* A break was requested */
uint32_t until; /* Number of clocks during which no break will occur */
int x; /* Iterator */
/* Process simulations until a break condition occurs */
do {
broke = 0;
/* Process all clocks */
for (brk = 0; *clocks != 0 && !brk; *clocks -= until) {
until = *clocks;
for (x = 0; x < count; x++)
until = sysUntil (sims[x], until);
until = sysUntil (vbs[x], until);
for (x = 0; x < count; x++)
broke |= sysEmulate(sims[x], until);
*clocks -= until;
} while (!broke && *clocks > 0);
return broke;
/* Retrieve a current breakpoint callback */
void* vbGetCallback(VB *sim, int type) {
void **field; /* Pointer to field within simulation */
/* Select the field to update */
switch (type) {
case VB_ONEXCEPTION: field = (void *) &sim->onException; break;
case VB_ONEXECUTE : field = (void *) &sim->onExecute ; break;
case VB_ONFETCH : field = (void *) &sim->onFetch ; break;
case VB_ONREAD : field = (void *) &sim->onRead ; break;
case VB_ONWRITE : field = (void *) &sim->onWrite ; break;
default: return NULL;
brk |= sysEmulate(vbs[x], until);
/* Retrieve the simulation field */
return *field;
return brk;
/* Retrieve the value of PC */
uint32_t vbGetProgramCounter(VB *sim) {
return sim->cpu.pc;
/* Retrieve the value of a program register */
int32_t vbGetProgramRegister(VB *sim, int id) {
return id < 1 || id > 31 ? 0 : sim->cpu.program[id];
/* Retrieve the ROM buffer */
void* vbGetROM(VB *sim, uint32_t *size) {
if (size != NULL)
*size = sim->cart.romSize;
return sim->cart.rom;
/* Retrieve the SRAM buffer */
void* vbGetSRAM(VB *sim, uint32_t *size) {
if (size != NULL)
*size = sim->cart.sramSize;
return sim->cart.sram;
/* Retrieve the value of a system register */
uint32_t vbGetSystemRegister(VB *sim, int id) {
/* Retrieve a current breakpoint handler */
void* vbGetCallback(VB *vb, int id) {
switch (id) {
case VB_ADTRE: return sim->cpu.adtre;
case VB_CHCW : return sim-> << 1;
case VB_EIPC : return sim->cpu.eipc;
case VB_EIPSW: return sim->cpu.eipsw;
case VB_FEPC : return sim->cpu.fepc;
case VB_FEPSW: return sim->cpu.fepsw;
case VB_PIR : return 0x00005346;
case VB_TKCW : return 0x000000E0;
case 29 : return sim->cpu.sr29;
case 30 : return 0x00000004;
case 31 : return sim->cpu.sr31;
case VB_ECR : return
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.ecr.fecc << 16 | sim->cpu.ecr.eicc;
case VB_PSW : return
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.psw.i << 16 |
(uint32_t) sim-> << 15 |
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.psw.ep << 14 |
(uint32_t) sim-> << 13 |
(uint32_t) sim-> << 12 |
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.psw.fro << 9 |
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.psw.fiv << 8 |
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.psw.fzd << 7 |
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.psw.fov << 6 |
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.psw.fud << 5 |
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.psw.fpr << 4 |
(uint32_t) sim-> << 3 |
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.psw.ov << 2 |
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.psw.s << 1 |
(uint32_t) sim->cpu.psw.z
case VB_ONEXCEPTION: return *(void **)&vb->onException;
case VB_ONEXECUTE : return *(void **)&vb->onExecute;
case VB_ONFETCH : return *(void **)&vb->onFetch;
case VB_ONREAD : return *(void **)&vb->onRead;
case VB_ONWRITE : return *(void **)&vb->onWrite;
return 0;
return NULL;
/* Prepare a simulation state instance for use */
void vbInit(VB *sim) {
/* Breakpoint callbacks */
sim->onException = NULL;
sim->onExecute = NULL;
sim->onFetch = NULL;
sim->onRead = NULL;
sim->onWrite = NULL;
/* System */
sim->peer = NULL;
/* Cartridge */
sim->cart.rom = NULL;
sim->cart.romSize = 0;
sim->cart.sram = NULL;
sim->cart.sramSize = 0;
/* Everything else */
/* Retrieve the value of a register */
int32_t vbGetRegister(VB *vb, int type, int id) {
switch (type) {
return id < 0 || id > 31 ? 0 : vb->cpu.program[id];
return cpuGetSystemRegister(vb, id);
case VB_OTHER:
switch (id) {
case VB_PC: return vb->cpu.pc;
return 0; /* Invalid type */
/* Read a data unit from the bus */
int32_t vbRead(VB *sim, uint32_t address, int type, int debug) {
return type < 0 || type >= (int) sizeof TYPE_SIZES ? 0 :
busRead(sim, address, type, debug);
/* Retrieve a handle to the current cartridge ROM data */
uint8_t* vbGetROM(VB *vb, uint32_t *size) {
if (size != NULL)
*size = vb->cart.romSize;
return vb->cart.rom;
/* Retrieve a handle to the current cartridge RAM data */
uint8_t* vbGetSRAM(VB *vb, uint32_t *size) {
if (size != NULL)
*size = vb->cart.ramSize;
return vb->cart.ram;
/* Prepare a simulation instance for use */
void vbInit(VB *vb) {
/* Breakpoint handlers */
vb->onException = NULL;
vb->onExecute = NULL;
vb->onFetch = NULL;
vb->onRead = NULL;
vb->onWrite = NULL;
/* Game pak */
vb->cart.ram = NULL;
vb->cart.ramSize = 0;
vb->cart.rom = NULL;
vb->cart.romSize = 0;
/* Hardware reset */
/* Read a value from memory */
int32_t vbRead(VB *vb, uint32_t address, int type) {
return busRead(vb, address, type);
/* Read multiple bytes from memory */
void vbReadEx(VB *vb, uint32_t address, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t length) {
while (length--) *buffer++ = busRead(vb, address++, VB_U8);
/* Simulate a hardware reset */
void vbReset(VB *sim) {
uint32_t x; /* Iterator */
void vbReset(VB *vb) {
int x; /* Iterator */
/* Subsystem components */
/* WRAM (the hardware does not do this) */
/* Reset WRAM (the hardware does not do this) */
for (x = 0; x < 0x10000; x++)
sim->wram[x] = 0x00;
vb->wram[x] = 0x00;
/* CPU (normal) */
vb->cpu.pc = 0xFFFFFFF0;
cpuSetSystemRegister(vb, VB_ECR, 0x0000FFF0, 1);
cpuSetSystemRegister(vb, VB_PSW, 0x00008000, 1);
for (x = 0; x < 5; x++)
vb->cpu.irq[x] = 0;
/* CPU (extra, hardware doesn't do this) */
vb->cpu.adtre = 0x00000000;
vb->cpu.eipc = 0x00000000;
vb->cpu.eipsw = 0x00000000;
vb->cpu.fepc = 0x00000000;
vb->cpu.fepsw = 0x00000000;
vb->cpu.sr29 = 0x00000000;
vb->cpu.sr31 = 0x00000000;
cpuSetSystemRegister(vb, VB_CHCW, 0x00000000, 1);
for (x = 0; x < 32; x++)
vb->cpu.program[x] = 0x00000000;
/* CPU (internal) */
vb->cpu.bitstring = 0;
vb->cpu.clocks = 0;
vb->cpu.exception = 0;
vb->cpu.stage = CPU_FETCH;
vb->cpu.step = 0;
/* Specify a breakpoint callback */
void* vbSetCallback(VB *sim, int type, void *callback) {
void **field; /* Pointer to field within simulation */
void *prev; /* Previous value within field */
/* Select the field to update */
switch (type) {
case VB_ONEXCEPTION: field = (void *) &sim->onException; break;
case VB_ONEXECUTE : field = (void *) &sim->onExecute ; break;
case VB_ONFETCH : field = (void *) &sim->onFetch ; break;
case VB_ONREAD : field = (void *) &sim->onRead ; break;
case VB_ONWRITE : field = (void *) &sim->onWrite ; break;
return NULL;
/* Specify a breakpoint handler */
void* vbSetCallback(VB *vb, int id, void *proc) {
void *prev = vbGetCallback(vb, id);
switch (id) {
case VB_ONEXCEPTION: *(void **)&vb->onException = proc; break;
case VB_ONEXECUTE : *(void **)&vb->onExecute = proc; break;
case VB_ONFETCH : *(void **)&vb->onFetch = proc; break;
case VB_ONREAD : *(void **)&vb->onRead = proc; break;
case VB_ONWRITE : *(void **)&vb->onWrite = proc; break;
/* Update the simulation field */
prev = *field;
*field = callback;
return prev;
/* Specify a new value for PC */
uint32_t vbSetProgramCounter(VB *sim, uint32_t value) {
value &= 0xFFFFFFFE;
sim->cpu.busWait = 0;
sim->cpu.causeCode = 0;
sim->cpu.clocks = 0;
sim->cpu.fetch = 0;
sim->cpu.pc = value;
sim->cpu.state = CPU_FETCH;
sim->cpu.substring = 0;
return value;
/* Specify a value for a register */
int32_t vbSetRegister(VB *vb, int type, int id, int32_t value) {
switch (type) {
return id < 1 || id > 31 ? 0 : (vb->cpu.program[id] = value);
return cpuSetSystemRegister(vb, id, value, 1);
case VB_OTHER:
switch (id) {
case VB_PC:
vb->cpu.bitstring = 0;
vb->cpu.clocks = 0;
vb->cpu.exception = 0;
vb->cpu.stage = CPU_FETCH;
return vb->cpu.pc = value & 0xFFFFFFFE;
return 0; /* Invalid type or ID */
/* Specify a new value for a program register */
int32_t vbSetProgramRegister(VB *sim, int id, int32_t value) {
return id < 1 || id > 31 ? 0 : (sim->cpu.program[id] = value);
/* Specify a cartridge ROM buffer */
int vbSetROM(VB *vb, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size) {
/* Supply a ROM buffer */
int vbSetROM(VB *sim, void *rom, uint32_t size) {
/* Check the buffer size */
if (size < 1024 || size > 0x1000000 || ((size - 1) & size) != 0)
/* Specifying no ROM */
if (data == NULL) {
vb->cart.rom = NULL;
vb->cart.romSize = 0;
return 0;
/* Configure the ROM buffer */
sim->cart.rom = (uint8_t *) rom;
sim->cart.romSize = size;
return 1;
/* Error checking */
if (
size < 4 ||
size > 0x1000000 ||
(size & (size - 1)) /* Power of 2 */
) return 1;
/* Register the ROM data */
vb->cart.rom = data;
vb->cart.romSize = size;
return 0;
/* Supply an SRAM buffer */
int vbSetSRAM(VB *sim, void *sram, uint32_t size)
/* Specify a cartridge RAM buffer */
int vbSetSRAM(VB *vb, uint8_t *data, uint32_t size) {
/* Specifying no SRAM */
if (data == NULL) {
vb->cart.ram = NULL;
vb->cart.ramSize = 0;
return 0;
/* Error checking */
if (
size < 4 ||
size > 0x1000000 ||
(size & (size - 1)) /* Power of 2 */
) return 1;
/* Register the SRAM data */
vb->cart.ram = data;
vb->cart.ramSize = size;
return 0;
/* Write a value to memory */
void vbWrite(VB *vb, uint32_t address, int type, int32_t value) {
busWrite(vb, address, type, value, 1);
/* Write multiple values to memory */
void vbWriteEx(VB *vb, uint32_t address, uint8_t *buffer, uint32_t length) {
while (length--) busWrite(vb, address++, VB_U8, *buffer++, 1);


Binary file not shown.

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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@
Copyright (C) 2022 Guy Perfect
Copyright (C) 2023 Guy Perfect
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages


Binary file not shown.

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@ -146,6 +146,15 @@ class Core {
}, [], options);
// Retrieve the value of a program register
getSystemRegister(sim, id, options) {
return this.message({
command: "getProgramRegister",
id : id,
sim : sim.pointer
}, [], options);
// Retrieve the value of a system register
getSystemRegister(sim, id, options) {
return this.message({
@ -200,10 +209,10 @@ class Core {
// Specify a value for a program register
setProgramRegister(sim, index, value, options) {
setProgramRegister(sim, id, value, options) {
return this.message({
command: "setProgramRegister",
index : index,
id : id,
sim : sim.pointer,
value : value
}, [], options);

View File

@ -119,11 +119,11 @@ class CoreThread {
let program = new Int32Array (32);
let system = new Uint32Array(32);
for (let x = 0; x < 32; x++) {
program[x] = this.vbGetProgramRegister(msg.sim, x);
system [x] = this.vbGetSystemRegister (msg.sim, x);
program[x] = this.vbGetRegister(msg.sim, 0, x);
system [x] = this.vbGetRegister(msg.sim, 1, x);
return {
pc : this.vbGetProgramCounter(msg.sim) >>> 0,
pc : this.vbGetRegister(msg.sim, 2, 0) >>> 0,
program : program,
system : system,
transfers: [ program.buffer, system.buffer ]
@ -132,12 +132,17 @@ class CoreThread {
// Retrieve the value of PC
getProgramCounter(msg) {
return { value: this.vbGetProgramCounter(msg.sim) >>> 0 };
return { value: this.vbGetRegister(msg.sim, 2, 0) >>> 0 };
// Retrieve the value of a program register
getProgramRegister(msg) {
return { value: this.vbGetRegister(msg.sim, 0, };
// Retrieve the value of a system register
getSystemRegister(msg) {
return { value: this.vbGetSystemRegister(msg.sim, >>> 0 };
return { value: this.vbGetRegister(msg.sim, 1, >>> 0 };
// Read multiple bytes from memory
@ -214,19 +219,19 @@ class CoreThread {
let pcs = new Array(msg.sims.length);
for (let x = 0; x < msg.sims.length; x++)
pcs[x] = this.vbGetProgramCounter(msg.sims[x]) >>> 0;
pcs[x] = this.vbGetRegister(msg.sims[x], 2, 0) >>> 0;
return { pcs: pcs };
// Specify a value for the program counter
setProgramCounter(msg) {
return { value: this.vbSetProgramCounter(msg.sim, msg.value) >>> 0 };
return { value: this.vbSetRegister(msg.sim, 2, 0, msg.value) >>> 0 };
// Specify a value for a program register
setProgramRegister(msg) {
return {value:this.vbSetProgramRegister(msg.sim,msg.index,msg.value)};
return { value: this.vbSetRegister(msg.sim, 0,, msg.value) };
// Specify a cartridge ROM buffer
@ -258,7 +263,7 @@ class CoreThread {
// Specify a value for a system register
setSystemRegister(msg) {
return {value:this.vbSetSystemRegister(msg.sim,,msg.value)>>>0};
return {value:this.vbSetRegister(msg.sim, 1,, msg.value)>>>0};
// Execute the current instruction
@ -271,7 +276,7 @@ class CoreThread {
let pcs = new Array(msg.sims.length);
for (let x = 0; x < msg.sims.length; x++)
pcs[x] = this.vbGetProgramCounter(msg.sims[x]) >>> 0;
pcs[x] = this.vbGetRegister(msg.sims[x], 2, 0) >>> 0;
return { pcs: pcs };

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@ -41,22 +41,22 @@ EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE int PointerSize() {
////////////////////////////// Debugger Commands //////////////////////////////
// Execute until the following instruction
uint32_t RunNextAddress;
static uint32_t RunNextAddress;
static int RunNextFetch(VB *vb, int fetch, VBAccess *access) {
return access->address == RunNextAddress;
static int RunNextExecute(VB *vb, VBInstruction *inst) {
RunNextAddress = inst->address + inst->size;
vbSetOnExecute(vb, NULL);
vbSetOnFetch(vb, &RunNextFetch);
vbSetCallback(vb, VB_ONEXECUTE, NULL);
vbSetCallback(vb, VB_ONFETCH, &RunNextFetch);
return 0;
EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void RunNext(VB **vbs, int count) {
uint32_t clocks = 20000000; // 1s
vbSetOnExecute(vbs[0], &RunNextExecute);
vbEmulateEx (vbs, count, &clocks);
vbSetOnExecute(vbs[0], NULL);
vbSetOnFetch (vbs[0], NULL);
vbSetCallback(vbs[0], VB_ONEXECUTE, &RunNextExecute);
vbEmulateEx (vbs, count, &clocks);
vbSetCallback(vbs[0], VB_ONEXECUTE, NULL);
vbSetCallback(vbs[0], VB_ONFETCH , NULL);
// Execute the current instruction
@ -72,7 +72,8 @@ static int SingleStepFetch(VB *vb, int fetch, VBAccess *access) {
EMSCRIPTEN_KEEPALIVE void SingleStep(VB **vbs, int count) {
uint32_t clocks = 20000000; // 1s
SingleStepBreak = vbs[0]->cpu.stage == 0 ? 0 : 1;
vbSetOnFetch(vbs[0], &SingleStepFetch);
vbEmulateEx (vbs, count, &clocks);
vbSetOnFetch(vbs[0], NULL);
vbSetCallback(vbs[0], VB_ONFETCH, &SingleStepFetch);
vbEmulateEx (vbs, count, &clocks);
vbSetCallback(vbs[0], VB_ONEXECUTE, NULL);
vbSetCallback(vbs[0], VB_ONFETCH , NULL);