
247 lines
7.0 KiB

#ifndef __VUE_H__
#define __VUE_H__
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C" {
/* API management */
#ifndef VUEAPI
#define VUEAPI extern
/* Header includes */
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>
* Constants *
/* Boolean values */
#define VUE_FALSE 0
#define VUE_TRUE 1
/* Memory access types */
#define VUE_S8 0
#define VUE_U8 1
#define VUE_S16 2
#define VUE_U16 3
#define VUE_S32 4
/* System register indexes */
#define VUE_ADTRE 25
#define VUE_CHCW 24
#define VUE_ECR 4
#define VUE_EIPC 0
#define VUE_EIPSW 1
#define VUE_FEPC 2
#define VUE_FEPSW 3
#define VUE_PIR 6
#define VUE_PSW 5
#define VUE_TKCW 7
/* Non-standard register indexes */
#define VUE_PC -1
#define VUE_JUMP_FROM -2
#define VUE_JUMP_TO -3
/* Program register indexes */
#define VUE_GP 4
#define VUE_HP 2
#define VUE_LP 31
#define VUE_SP 3
#define VUE_TP 5
/* Instruction IDs */
#define VUE_ILLEGAL -1
#define VUE_ADD_IMM 0
#define VUE_ADD_REG 1
#define VUE_ADDF_S 2
#define VUE_ADDI 3
#define VUE_AND 4
#define VUE_ANDBSU 5
#define VUE_ANDI 6
#define VUE_ANDNBSU 7
#define VUE_BCOND 8
#define VUE_CAXI 9
#define VUE_CLI 10
#define VUE_CMP_IMM 11
#define VUE_CMP_REG 12
#define VUE_CMPF_S 13
#define VUE_CVT_SW 14
#define VUE_CVT_WS 15
#define VUE_DIV 16
#define VUE_DIVF_S 17
#define VUE_DIVU 18
#define VUE_HALT 19
#define VUE_IN_B 20
#define VUE_IN_H 21
#define VUE_IN_W 22
#define VUE_JAL 23
#define VUE_JMP 24
#define VUE_JR 25
#define VUE_LD_B 26
#define VUE_LD_H 27
#define VUE_LD_W 28
#define VUE_LDSR 29
#define VUE_MOV_IMM 30
#define VUE_MOV_REG 31
#define VUE_MOVBSU 32
#define VUE_MOVEA 33
#define VUE_MOVHI 34
#define VUE_MPYHW 35
#define VUE_MUL 36
#define VUE_MULF_S 37
#define VUE_MULU 38
#define VUE_NOT 39
#define VUE_NOTBSU 40
#define VUE_OR 41
#define VUE_ORBSU 42
#define VUE_ORI 43
#define VUE_ORNBSU 44
#define VUE_OUT_B 45
#define VUE_OUT_H 46
#define VUE_OUT_W 47
#define VUE_RETI 48
#define VUE_REV 49
#define VUE_SAR_IMM 50
#define VUE_SAR_REG 51
#define VUE_SCH0BSD 52
#define VUE_SCH0BSU 53
#define VUE_SCH1BSD 54
#define VUE_SCH1BSU 55
#define VUE_SEI 56
#define VUE_SETF 57
#define VUE_SHL_IMM 58
#define VUE_SHL_REG 59
#define VUE_SHR_IMM 60
#define VUE_SHR_REG 61
#define VUE_ST_B 62
#define VUE_ST_H 63
#define VUE_ST_W 64
#define VUE_STSR 65
#define VUE_SUB 66
#define VUE_SUBF_S 67
#define VUE_TRAP 68
#define VUE_TRNC_SW 69
#define VUE_XB 70
#define VUE_XH 71
#define VUE_XOR 72
#define VUE_XORBSU 73
#define VUE_XORI 74
#define VUE_XORNBSU 75
* Types *
/* Boolean */
typedef int vbool;
/* Instruction state */
typedef struct {
int32_t bits; /* Binary encoding */
int32_t disp; /* Displacement for jumps and branches */
int32_t imm; /* Immediate operand */
uint8_t cond; /* Condition for Bcond */
int8_t format; /* Binary format */
int8_t id; /* Library-specific identifier */
uint8_t opcode; /* Instruction opcode */
uint8_t reg1; /* Source/right register */
uint8_t reg2; /* Destination/left register */
uint8_t size; /* Number of bytes in encoding */
uint8_t subopcode; /* Instruction subopcode */
/* Emulation state */
typedef struct {
VUE_INST inst; /* Instruction state */
/* Memory bus */
struct {
uint8_t *rom; /* Cartridge ROM */
uint32_t romSize; /* Number of bytes in cartridge ROM */
uint8_t *sram; /* Cartridge RAM */
uint32_t sramSize; /* Number of bytes in cartridge RAM */
uint8_t wram[0x10000]; /* System memory */
} bus;
/* CPU state */
struct {
uint32_t cycles; /* Cycles until next stage */
int32_t jumpFrom[3]; /* Source PCs of most recent jumps */
int32_t jumpTo [3]; /* Destination PCs of most recent jumps */
int fetch; /* Fetch unit index */
int stage; /* Current processing stage */
/* Program registers */
int32_t program[32];
/* System registers */
int32_t adtre; /* Address Trap Register for Execution */
int32_t eipc; /* Exception/interrupt PC */
int32_t eipsw; /* Exception/interrupt PSW */
int32_t fepc; /* Duplexed exception PC */
int32_t fepsw; /* Duplexed exception PSW */
int32_t pc; /* Program Counter */
int32_t sr29; /* System register 29 */
int32_t sr31; /* System register 31 */
/* Program Status Word */
int8_t psw_ae; /* Address Trap Enable */
int8_t psw_ep; /* Exception Pending */
int8_t psw_id; /* Interrupt Disable */
int8_t psw_cy; /* Carry */
int8_t psw_fiv; /* Floating Reserved Operand */
int8_t psw_fov; /* Floating Overflow */
int8_t psw_fpr; /* Floating Precision */
int8_t psw_fro; /* Floating Reserved Operand */
int8_t psw_fud; /* Floating Underflow */
int8_t psw_fzd; /* Floating Zero Divide */
int8_t psw_i; /* Interrupt Level */
int8_t psw_np; /* NMI Pending */
int8_t psw_ov; /* Overflow */
int8_t psw_s; /* Sign */
int8_t psw_z; /* Zero */
/* Cache Control Word */
uint16_t chcw_cec; /* Clear Entry Count */
uint16_t chcw_cen; /* Clear Entry Number */
int8_t chcw_icc; /* Instruction Cache Clear */
int8_t chcw_icd; /* Instruction Cache Dump */
int8_t chcw_ice; /* Instruction Cache Enable */
int8_t chcw_icr; /* Instruction Cache Restore */
int32_t chcw_sa; /* Spill-Out Base Address */
/* Exception Cause Register */
uint16_t ecr_eicc; /* Exception/Interrupt Cause Code */
uint16_t ecr_fecc; /* Fatal Error Cause Code */
} cpu;
} VUE;
* Function Prototypes *
VUEAPI int32_t vueGetRegister(VUE *vue, int index, vbool system);
VUEAPI void vueInitialize (VUE *vue);
VUEAPI vbool vueRead (VUE *vue, uint32_t address, uint8_t *dest, uint32_t length);
VUEAPI void vueReset (VUE *vue);
VUEAPI int32_t vueSetRegister(VUE *vue, int index, vbool system, int32_t value);
VUEAPI vbool vueSetROM (VUE *vue, uint8_t *rom, uint32_t size);
VUEAPI vbool vueWrite (VUE *vue, uint32_t address, uint8_t *src, uint32_t length);
#ifdef __cplusplus
#endif /* __VUE_H__ */