Establish application infrastructure

This commit is contained in:
Guy Perfect 2025-02-18 16:39:36 -06:00
commit cd9a0ecc18
21 changed files with 6928 additions and 0 deletions

App.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
import Toolkit from /**/"./toolkit/Toolkit.js";
import VB from /**/"../shrooms-vb-core/web/VB.js";
import ZipFile from /**/"./util/ZipFile.js";
class App extends Toolkit.App {
// Instance fields
#bundle; // Packaged assets
#core; // Emulation core
#dateCode; // Numeric date code of bundle
#theme; // ID of global color palette
#themes; // Available color palettes
// Components
#mnuExport; // File -> Export bundle...
#mnuLoadROM; // File -> Load ROM...
///////////////////////// Initialization Methods //////////////////////////
constructor() {
className: "tk app",
style: {
display : "grid",
height : "100vh",
gridTemplateRows: "max-content auto"
this.#construct.apply(this, arguments);
// Asynchronous constructor
async #construct(bundle, dateCode) {
// Instance fields
this.#bundle = bundle;
this.#dateCode = dateCode;
this.#theme = null;
this.#themes = new Map();
// Initialize components
await this.#initLocales();
this.title = /{{app.title}}/;
let desktop = document.createElement("div"); = "var(--tk-desktop)";
VB.create(!this.#bundle.isDebug ? {
audioUrl: /***/"../shrooms-vb-core/web/Audio.js",
coreUrl : /***/"../shrooms-vb-core/web/Core.js",
wasmUrl : /***/"../shrooms-vb-core/web/core.wasm",
} : {
audioUrl: import.meta.resolve("../shrooms-vb-core/web/Audio.js" ),
coreUrl : import.meta.resolve("../shrooms-vb-core/web/Core.js" ),
wasmUrl : import.meta.resolve("../shrooms-vb-core/web/core.wasm")
// Display text
async #initLocales() {
for (let file of this.#bundle.list("shrooms-vb-web/locale/"))
this.addLocale(await (await fetch(file.url)).json());
this.locale = "en-US";
// Menu bar
#initMenus() {
let bar, item, sub, group;
// Menu bar
bar = new Toolkit.MenuBar(this);
bar.ariaLabel = /{{app.menuBar}}/;
// File
item = new Toolkit.MenuItem(this);
item.text = /{{menu.file._}}/;
sub = this.#mnuLoadROM = new Toolkit.MenuItem(this, {disabled:true});
sub.text = /{{menu.file.loadROM}}/;
sub.addEventListener("action", ()=>this.#onLoadROM());
sub = new Toolkit.MenuItem(this, { type: "checkbox" });
sub.text = /{{menu.file.dualMode}}/;
sub = new Toolkit.MenuItem(this, { type: "checkbox" });
sub.text = /{{menu.file.debugMode}}/;
sub = this.#mnuExport = new Toolkit.MenuItem(this);
sub.text = /{{menu.file.exportBundle}}/;
sub.addEventListener("action", ()=>this.#onExportBundle());
// Emulation
item = new Toolkit.MenuItem(this);
item.text = /{{menu.emulation._}}/;
// Theme
item = new Toolkit.MenuItem(this);
item.text = /{{menu.theme._}}/;
group = new Toolkit.Group();
sub = new Toolkit.MenuItem(this, { type: "radio" });
sub.text = /{{}}/;
group.add(sub, "auto");
sub = new Toolkit.MenuItem(this, { type: "radio" });
sub.text = /{{menu.theme.light}}/;
group.add(sub, "light");
sub = new Toolkit.MenuItem(this, { type: "radio" });
sub.text = /{{menu.theme.dark}}/;
group.add(sub, "dark");
sub = new Toolkit.MenuItem(this, { type: "radio" });
sub.text = /{{menu.theme.virtual}}/;
group.add(sub, "virtual");
group.value = "auto";
group.addEventListener("action", e=>{
let theme = e[].value;
this.#setTheme(theme == "auto" ? null : theme);
// Color themes
#initThemes() {
let bundle = this.#bundle;
// Base theme stylesheet
// Color set stylesheets
for (let id of [ "light", "dark", "virtual" ]) {
let file = bundle.get("shrooms-vb-web/theme/" + id + ".css");
let theme = Toolkit.stylesheet(file.url);
theme.disabled = id != "light";
this.#themes.set(id, theme);
// Event handling
this.addEventListener("dark", e=>this.#onDark());
///////////////////////////// Event Handlers //////////////////////////////
// Core created
#onCoreCreate(core) {
this.#core = core;
this.#mnuLoadROM.disabled = false;
// User agent dark mode preference changed
#onDark() {
// Current color theme is not auto
if (this.#theme != null)
// Working variables
let active = this.#activeTheme();
let auto = this.#autoTheme();
// The active color theme matches the automatic color theme
if (active == auto)
// Activate the automatic color theme
this.#themes.get(auto ).disabled = false;
this.#themes.get(active).disabled = true;
// File -> Export bundle...
async #onExportBundle() {
this.#mnuExport.disabled = true;
// Add the bundle contents to a .zip file
let zip = new ZipFile();
for (let asset of this.#bundle.values())
let blob = await zip.toBlob();
// Prompt the user to save the file
let link = document.createElement("a"); = "acid-shroom_" + this.#dateCode + ".zip";
link.href = URL.createObjectURL(blob);
Object.assign(, {
position : "absolute",
visibility: "hidden"
this.#mnuExport.disabled = false;
// File -> Load ROM...
async #onLoadROM() {
// Produce an invisible file picker element
let picker = document.createElement("input");
picker.type = "file";
Object.assign(, {
position : "absolute",
visibility: "hidden"
// Prompt the user to select a file
await new Promise(resolve=>{
picker.addEventListener("input", resolve);;
// Select the file
let file = picker.files[0] ?? null;
if (file == null)
// Read the file
let rom;
try {
if (file.size > 0x1000000) {
console.log("ROM file length safeguard");
throw 0;
rom = new Uint8Array(await file.arrayBuffer());
} catch {
// Attempt to decode as ISX
rom = await this.#core.fromISX(rom) ?? rom;
// Error checking
if (
rom.length < 4 ||
rom.length > 0x1000000 ||
(rom.length & rom.length - 1) != 0 // Not a power of two
) {
// TODO: Something with the ROM data
console.log(rom.length.toString(16).toUpperCase().padStart(8, "0"));
///////////////////////////// Private Methods /////////////////////////////
// Determine which color theme is active
#activeTheme() {
return [... this.#themes.entries()].find(e=>!e[1].disabled)[0];
// Determine which color theme should be selected automatically
#autoTheme() {
return Toolkit.isDark() ? "dark" : "light";
// Determine whether a ROM size is
#checkROMSize(size) {
return !(
file.size == 0 || // Too small
file.size > 0x01000000 || // Too big
(file.size - 1 & file.size) != 0 // Not a power of two
// Specify the active color theme
#setTheme(id) {
// Theme is not changing
if (id == this.#theme)
// Configure instance fields
this.#theme = id;
// Working variables
let active = this.#activeTheme();
let next = id ?? this.#autoTheme();
// Active stylesheet is not changing
if (active == next)
// Change the active stylesheet
this.#themes.get(next ).disabled = false;
this.#themes.get(active).disabled = true;
export { App };

185 Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,185 @@
import java.nio.charset.*;
import java.time.*;
import java.util.*;
// Web application asset packager
public class Bundle {
// Read a file from disk into a byte buffer
static byte[] fileRead(File file) {
try (var stream = new FileInputStream(file)) {
return stream.readAllBytes();
} catch (Exception e) { return null; }
// Retrieve the canonical form of a file
static File getFile(File file) {
try { return file.getCanonicalFile(); }
catch (Exception e) { return null; }
// Retrieve the canonical file for a relative filename
static File getFile(String filename) {
return getFile(new File(filename));
// List all canonical files within a directory
static File[] listFiles(File dir) {
var ret = dir.listFiles();
for (int x = 0; x < ret.length; x++)
ret[x] = getFile(ret[x]);
return ret;
// List all asset files to be bundled
static Asset[] listAssets(File root, File main) {
var assets = new ArrayList<Asset>();
var dirs = new ArrayList<File >();
// Initial directories
dirs.add(new File(root, "shrooms-vb-core"));
dirs.add(new File(root, "shrooms-vb-web" ));
// Process all directories
while (dirs.size() != 0) {
var dir = dirs.remove(0);
// Process all child files and directories
for (var file : listFiles(dir)) {
// Exclude this file or directory
if (file.equals(main) || file.getName().startsWith(".git"))
// Include this directory
if (file.isDirectory())
// Include this file
else assets.add(new Asset(root, file));
return assets.toArray(new Asset[assets.size()]);
// Determine the relative path of a file from the root directory
static String relativePath(File root, File file) {
// Work backwards to identify the full path
var path = new ArrayList<String>();
while (!root.equals(file)) {
path.add(0, file.getName());
file = file.getParentFile();
// Join the path parts with forward slashes
var ret = new StringBuilder();
for (String part : path)
ret.append("/" + part);
return ret.toString().substring(1);
// Express a byte array as a Base64 string
static String toBase64(byte[] data) {
return Base64.getMimeEncoder(0, new byte[0]).encodeToString(data);
// Encode a byte array as a zlib buffer
static byte[] toZlib(byte[] data) {
try {
var comp = new Deflater(Deflater.BEST_COMPRESSION, false);
var ret = new byte[data.length];
ret = Arrays.copyOf(ret, comp.deflate(ret));
return ret;
} catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e.getMessage()); }
// Program entry point
public static void main(String[] args) {
// Select all assets
var root = getFile("../");
var main = getFile("main.js");
var assets = listAssets(root, main);
// Resolve the current date code
var today =;
String dateCode = String.format("%04d%02d%02d",
today.getYear(), today.getMonthValue(), today.getDayOfMonth());
// Process the manifest
var manifest = new StringBuilder();
for (var asset : assets) {
asset == assets[0] ? "" : ",",, asset.length));
manifest.append(",\"" + dateCode + "\"]");
// Encode the bundle
var bundle = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
try {
for (var asset : assets)
} catch (Exception e) {}
// Read the HTML template
var template = new String(
fileRead(new File("template.html")), StandardCharsets.UTF_8)
// Generate the output HTML file
String filename = "../acid-shroom_" + dateCode + ".html";
try (var stream = new FileOutputStream(filename)) {
} catch (Exception e) {}
///////////////////////////////// Classes /////////////////////////////////
// Packaged asset file
static class Asset implements Comparable<Asset> {
File file; // File on disk
int length; // Size in bytes
String name; // Filename without path
Asset(File root, File file) {
this.file = file;
length = (int) file.length();
name = relativePath(root, file);
public int compareTo(Asset o) {
return name.compareTo(;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
return o instanceof Asset && compareTo((Asset) o) == 0;
public int hashCode() {
return name.hashCode();

locale/en-US.json Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
"id" : "en-US",
"name": "English (US)",
"app": {
"menuBar": "Main menu",
"title" : "Acid Shroom"
"menu.emulation": {
"_": "Emulation"
"menu.file": {
"_" : "File",
"debugMode" : "Debug mode",
"dualMode" : "Dual mode",
"exportBundle": "Export bundle...",
"loadROM" : "Load ROM...",
"loadROMEx" : "Load ROM {{index}}...",
"loadROMError": "An error occurred while loading the selected file.",
"loadROMNotVB": "The selected file does not appear to be a Virtual Boy ROM."
"menu.theme": {
"_" : "Theme",
"auto" : "Auto",
"dark" : "Dark",
"light" : "Light",
"virtual": "Virtual"

main.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,281 @@
// Packaged asset manager
class Bundle extends Map {
// Instance fields
#isDebug; // True if running in debug mode
///////////////////////// Initialization Methods //////////////////////////
constructor() {
this.#isDebug ="localhost" && location.hash=="#debug";
/////////////////////////////// Properties ////////////////////////////////
// Determine whether debug mode is active
get isDebug() { return this.#isDebug; }
///////////////////////////// Public Methods //////////////////////////////
// Insert an asset file
add(name, data) {
let asset = new Bundle.#Asset(this, name, data);
this.set(name, asset);
return asset;
// List files with names matching a given prefix
list(prefix = "") {
prefix = String(prefix);
let ret = [];
for (let file of this.values()) {
if (
return ret.sort((a,b)=>;
///////////////////////////////// Classes /////////////////////////////////
// Packaged asset file
static #Asset = class Asset {
// Private fields
#blobURL; // Cached blob: URL
#bundle; // Parent Bundle object
#data; // Byte contents
#dataURL; // Cached data: URL
#mime; // MIME type
#name; // Filename
#transform; // Transform URLs when not in debug mode
////////////////////////////// Constants //////////////////////////////
// Mime types by file extension
static #MIMES = {
"html" : "text/html;charset=UTF-8" ,
"css" : "text/css;charset=UTF-8" ,
"frag" : "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" ,
"gif" : "image/gif" ,
"js" : "text/javascript;charset=UTF-8" ,
"json" : "application/json;charset=UTF-8",
"png" : "image/png" ,
"svg" : "image/svg+xml;charset=UTF-8" ,
"txt" : "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" ,
"vert" : "text/plain;charset=UTF-8" ,
"wasm" : "application/wasm" ,
"webp" : "image/webp" ,
"woff2": "font/woff2"
/////////////////////// Initialization Methods ////////////////////////
constructor(bundle, name, data) {
// Select the MIME type from the file extension
let mime = "." + name;
let ext = mime.substring(mime.lastIndexOf(".") + 1).toLowerCase();
mime = Bundle.#Asset.#MIMES[ext] ?? "application/octet-stream";
// Configure instanc fields
this.#blobURL = null;
this.#bundle = bundle;
this.#data = data;
this.#dataURL = null;
this.#mime = mime;
this.#name = name;
this.#transform = ext == "css" || ext == "js";
///////////////////////////// Properties //////////////////////////////
// Retrieve and potentially cache the blob: URL
get blobURL() {
if (this.#blobURL == null) {
this.#blobURL = URL.createObjectURL(
new Blob([this.#urlData()], { type: this.#mime }));
return this.#blobURL;
// Byte contents
get data() { return this.#data; }
// Retrieve and potentially cache the data: URL
get dataURL() {
if (this.#dataURL == null) {
this.#dataURL = "data:" + this.#mime + ";base64," + btoa(
return this.#dataURL;
// Filename
get name() { return this.#name; }
// Text contents as UTF-8
get text() { return new TextDecoder().decode(this.#data); }
// Produce any suitable URL to fetch this file
get url() {
// Use the blob: URL in debug mode
if (!this.#bundle.isDebug)
return this.blobURL;
// Resolve the virtual path otherwise
let href = location.href.split("/");
return href.join("/") + "/" +;
/////////////////////////// Private Methods ///////////////////////////
// Prepare a data buffer for use in a data or blob URL
#urlData() {
// No need to transform inner URLs
if (!this.#transform)
return this.#data;
// Working variables
let regex = /\/\*\*?\*\//g;
let ret = [];
let src = 0;
let text = this.text;
// Transform all inner URLs
for (;;) {
let match = regex.exec(text);
// No more inner URLs
if (match == null)
// Locate the URL to transform
let end, start;
try {
start = text.indexOf("\"", match.index);
if (start == -1)
throw 0;
end = text.indexOf("\"", ++start);
if (end == -1)
throw 0;
} catch {
throw new Error(
"Malformed URL designator.\n" +
"File: " +
// Working variables
let url = text.substring(start, end);
let parts = url.split("/");
let stack = [];
// Initialize the stack to current path if URL is relative
if (parts[0] == "." || parts[0] == "..") {
stack ="/");
// Process the URL path
while (parts.length > 1) {
let part = parts.shift();
switch (part) {
// Current directory--do not modify stack
case ".": break;
// Parent directory--pop from stack
case "..":
if (stack.length == 0) {
throw new Error(
"Stack underflow when parsing URL.\n" +
"File: " + + "\n" +
"URL: " + url
// Child directory--push to stack
default: stack.push(part);
// Compose the resolved filename
let filename = stack.concat(parts).join("/");
if (!this.#bundle.has(filename)) {
throw new Error(
"Referenced file does not exist.\n" +
"File: " + + "\n" +
"URL: " + url + "\n" +
"Path: " + filename
// Working variables
let file = this.#bundle.get(filename);
let newUrl = match[0] == "/**/" ? file.blobURL : file.dataURL;
// Append the output text
ret.push(text.substring(src, start), newUrl);
src = end;
// Incorporate remaining text
return new TextEncoder().encode(ret.join(""));
// Program entry point
// Remove startup <script> elements
let bytes = document.querySelectorAll("script");
for (let script of bytes)
bytes = bytes[1].bytes;
// Wait for the bundle element to finish loading
if (document.readyState != "complete")
await new Promise(resolve=>window.addEventListener("load", resolve));
// Parse the manifest from the byte buffer
let x = bytes.indexOf(0) + 1;
let y = bytes.indexOf(0, x);
let manifest = JSON.parse(new TextDecoder().decode(bytes.subarray(x, y)));
// Compose the bundle from the packaged asset files
let bundle = new Bundle();
bundle.add("shrooms-vb-web/main.js", bytes.subarray(0, x - 1));
for (x = 0, y++; x < manifest.length; x += 2)
bundle.add(manifest[x], bytes.subarray(y, y += manifest[x + 1]));
// Launch the application
new (await import(bundle.get("shrooms-vb-web/App.js").url))
.App(bundle, manifest.pop());

template.html Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
<!DOCTYPE html><html lang="en"><head><meta charset="utf-8"><title></title><link rel="icon" href="data:;base64,iVBORw0KGgo="><style>body{background:#fff}@media screen and (prefers-color-scheme:dark){body{background:#111}}</style><script type="module">{let a,b=document.createElement("script");b.bytes=a=new Uint8Array(await new Response(new Blob([Uint8Array.from(Array.from(atob("")).map(c=>c.codePointAt(0)))]).stream().pipeThrough(new DecompressionStream("deflate"))).arrayBuffer());b.type="module";b.src=URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([a.subarray(0,a.indexOf(0))],{type:"text/javascript"}));document.head.append(b);}</script></head><body></body></html>

theme/check.svg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" width="10" height="10" viewBox="0 0 2.6458 2.6458" version="1.1">
<path style="fill:#000000;fill-opacity:1;stroke:none;stroke-width:0.26458px;stroke-linecap:butt;stroke-linejoin:miter;stroke-opacity:1" d="m 1.05832,1.653625 1.3229,-1.3229 v 0.66145 l -1.3229,1.3229 -0.79374,-0.79374 v -0.66145 z" />


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 459 B

theme/dark.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
:root {
--tk-control : #333333;
--tk-control-active : #555555;
--tk-control-border : #cccccc;
--tk-control-disabled-text: #9b9b9b;
--tk-control-shadow : #9b9b9b;
--tk-control-text : #e4e4e4;
--tk-desktop : #111111;
--tk-window : #111111;
--tk-window-text : #e4e4e4;
.tk .menu-bar .menu-item[aria-disabled] {
-1px -1px 1px var(--tk-control),
1px -1px 1px var(--tk-control),
1px 1px 1px var(--tk-control),
-1px 1px 1px var(--tk-control)

theme/inconsolata.woff2 Normal file

Binary file not shown.

theme/kiosk.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,128 @@
:root {
--tk-font-dialog: "Roboto", sans-serif;
--tk-font-mono : "Inconsolata SemiExpanded Medium", monospace;
--tk-text-scale : 0.75rem;
@font-face {
font-family: "Roboto";
src : /**/url("./roboto.woff2") format("woff2");
@font-face {
font-family: "Inconsolata SemiExpanded Medium";
src : /**/url("./inconsolata.woff2") format("woff2");
body {
margin : 0;
overflow: hidden;
.tk, .tk * {
box-sizing : border-box;
font-family: var(--tk-font-dialog);
font-size : var(--tk-text-scale);
line-height: 1em;
margin : 0;
outline : none;
padding : 0;
.tk.mono {
font-family: var(--tk-font-mono);
/*********************************** Menus ***********************************/
.tk .menu-bar, .tk .menu-bar .menu {
background : var(--tk-control);
border-bottom: 1px solid var(--tk-control-border);
gap : 2px;
padding : 2px;
.tk .menu-bar .menu-item > div {
align-items: center;
border : 1px solid transparent;
color : var(--tk-control-text);
cursor : default;
gap : 2px;
margin : 0 1px 1px 0;
padding : 1px;
user-select: none;
.tk .menu-bar .menu-item[aria-disabled] > div {
color: var(--tk-control-disabled-text);
.tk .menu-bar .menu {
border : 1px solid var(--tk-control-border);
box-shadow : 1px 1px 0 var(--tk-control-border);
margin : -1px 0 0 1px;
.tk .menu-bar .menu-item:not(.active):is(:focus,:hover) > div {
border-color: var(--tk-control-shadow);
box-shadow : 1px 1px 0 var(--tk-control-shadow);
.tk .menu-bar .menu-item:not(.active):is(:focus) > div {
background: var(--tk-control-active);
.tk .menu-bar > div {
background : var(--tk-control-active);
border-color: var(--tk-control-shadow);
box-shadow : none;
margin : 1px 0 0 1px;
.tk .menu-bar .menu-item[role="menuitemradio"] > div > :nth-child(1) {
background : var(--tk-window);
border : 1px solid var(--tk-control-border);
border-radius: 50%;
height : 1em;
width : 1em;
.tk .menu-bar .menu-item[role="menuitemradio"][aria-checked="true"] >
div > :nth-child(1):before {
background : var(--tk-window-text);
content : "";
display : block;
height : 100%;
mask-image : /**/url("./radio.svg");
mask-position: center;
mask-repeat : no-repeat;
mask-size : contain;
width : 100%;
.tk .menu-bar .menu-item[role="menuitemcheckbox"] > div > :nth-child(1) {
background: var(--tk-window);
border : 1px solid var(--tk-control-border);
height : 1em;
width : 1em;
.tk .menu-bar .menu-item[role="menuitemcheckbox"][aria-checked="true"] >
div > :nth-child(1):before {
background : var(--tk-window-text);
content : "";
display : block;
height : 100%;
mask-image : /**/url("./check.svg");
mask-position: center;
mask-repeat : no-repeat;
mask-size : contain;
width : 100%;
.tk .menu-bar .menu-separator {
margin : 2px;
border-top: 1px solid var(--tk-control-shadow);

theme/light.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
:root {
--tk-control : #eeeeee;
--tk-control-active : #cccccc;
--tk-control-border : #000000;
--tk-control-disabled-text: #565656;
--tk-control-shadow : #6c6c6c;
--tk-control-text : #000000;
--tk-desktop : #cccccc;
--tk-window : #ffffff;
--tk-window-text : #000000;

theme/radio.svg Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
<svg xmlns:svg="" xmlns="" width="10" height="10" viewBox="0 0 2.6458332 2.6458332" version="1.1">
<circle style="opacity:1;fill:#000000;stroke-width:0.264583;stroke-linecap:square" cx="1.3229166" cy="1.3229166" r="0.66145831" />


Width:  |  Height:  |  Size: 361 B

theme/roboto.woff2 Normal file

Binary file not shown.

theme/virtual.css Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
:root {
--tk-control : #000000;
--tk-control-active : #550000;
--tk-control-border : #ff0000;
--tk-control-disabled-text: #770000;
--tk-control-shadow : #aa0000;
--tk-control-text : #ff0000;
--tk-desktop : #000000;
--tk-window : #000000;
--tk-window-text : #ff0000;
.tk .menu-bar .menu-item[aria-disabled] {
-1px -1px 1px var(--tk-control),
1px -1px 1px var(--tk-control),
1px 1px 1px var(--tk-control),
-1px 1px 1px var(--tk-control)

toolkit/App.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,215 @@
// Top-level application container
export default (Toolkit,_package)=>class App extends Toolkit.Component {
// Instance fields
#components; // Registered Toolkit.Components
#locale; // Current display text dictionary
#locales; // Registered display text dictionaries
#title; // Application title
///////////////////////// Initialization Methods //////////////////////////
static {
_package.App = {
localize: (a,c)=>a.#localize(c),
onCreate: (a,c)=>a.#onCreate(c),
onDelete: (a,c)=>a.#onDelete(c)
constructor(overrides) {
super(null, _package.override(overrides, { className: "tk-app" }));
this.#components = new Set();
this.#locale = null;
this.#locales = new Map();
this.#title = null;
/////////////////////////////// Properties ////////////////////////////////
// Display text dictionary
get locale() { return this.#locale?.get("id"); }
set locale(value) {
// Unset the locale
if (value == null) {
if (this.#locale == null)
this.#locale = null;
// Change to a different locale
else {
value = value == null ? null : String(value);
if (this.#locale?.get("id") == value)
return; // Same locale specified
if (!this.#locales.has(value))
throw new RangeError("No locale with ID " + value);
this.#locale = this.#locales.get(value);
// Update all display text
// Display title
get title() { return this.#title; }
set title(value) {
if (value != null && !(value instanceof RegExp))
value = String(value);
this.#title = value;
///////////////////////////// Public Methods //////////////////////////////
// Register translation text
addLocale(data) {
// Error checking
if (!(data instanceof Object))
throw new TypeError("Data must be an object.");
// Working variables
let locale = new Map();
let objects = [ [null,data] ];
// Process all objects
while (objects.length != 0) {
let object = objects.shift();
let prefix = object[0] ? object[0] + "." : "";
// Process all members of the object
for (let entry of Object.entries(object[1])) {
let key = prefix + entry[0];
let value = entry[1];
// Add the new object to he queue
if (value instanceof Object) {
objects.push([ key, entry[1] ]);
// Error checking
if (typeof(value) != "string")
throw new TypeError("Non-string value encountered: "+key);
// Register the localization value
locale.set(key, new RegExp(value));
// Validate "id"
let id = locale.get("id");
if (id == null)
throw new Error("Locale does not contain \"id\" member.");
// Register the locale
this.#locales.set(id.source, locale);
return id;
// Resolve the value of some display text
translate(text, comp = null) {
// Error checking
if (comp != null) {
if (!(comp instanceof Toolkit.Component))
throw new TypeError("Component must be a Toolkit.Component.");
if (comp != this && != this)
throw new RangeError("Compoment must belong to this App.");
// Nothing to resolve
if (text == null)
return null;
// Input validation
if (!(text instanceof RegExp))
text = String(text);
// Working variables
let locale = this.#locale;
let ret = [ text ];
// Process all substitutions
for (let x = 0; x < ret.length; x++) {
let part = ret[x];
// Do not perform substitutions
if (!(part instanceof RegExp))
// Working variables
part = part.source;
// Locate the close of the innermost substitution
let close = part.indexOf("}}");
if (close == -1) {
if (part.indexOf("{{") != -1)
throw new Error("Found {{ without matching }}.");
ret[x] = part;
// Locate the opening of the innermost substitution
let open = part.substring(0, close).lastIndexOf("{{");
if (open == -1)
throw new Error("Found }} without matching {{.");
// Working variables
let after = part.substring(close + 2);
let before = part.substring(0, open);
let key = part.substring(open + 2, close).trim();
let value = comp?.getSubstitution(key) ?? locale?.get(key) ??
"{{\u00d7" + key.toUpperCase() + "\u00d7}}";
let within = value instanceof RegExp ? value.source : value;
// Compose the replacement text
part = before + within + after;
if (value instanceof RegExp)
ret[x--] = new RegExp(part);
else ret[x] = part;
return ret.join("");
///////////////////////////// Event Handlers //////////////////////////////
// Component created
#onCreate(comp) {
// Component deleted
#onDelete(comp) {
// Configure display text
#onLocalize() {
document.title = this.translate(this.#title, this) ?? "";
///////////////////////////// Package Methods /////////////////////////////
// Update the display text for one or all components
#localize(comp = null) {
for (comp of (comp == null ? this.#components : [comp]))

toolkit/Component.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,315 @@
// Discrete UI widget
export default (Toolkit,_package)=>class Component {
// Instance fields
#_app; // Containing app
#_children; // Child components
#_element; // Managed HTML element
#_eventListeners; // Active event listeners
#_parent; // Containing component
#_substitutions; // Subtituted text entries
#_visibility; // Control visible property with CSS visibility
#_visible; // CSS display value to restore visibility
///////////////////////// Initialization Methods //////////////////////////
static {
_package.Component = {
onAdd : c=>c.#onAdd(),
onLocalize: (c,l)=>c.#onLocalize(l),
setParent : (c,p)=>c.#_parent=p
constructor(app, overrides) {
// Error checking
if (
!(app instanceof Toolkit.App) &&
!(this instanceof Toolkit.App)
) throw new TypeError("Must supply a Toolkit.App.");
// Working variables
overrides = Object.assign({}, overrides ?? {});
let tagName = overrides.tagName ?? "div";
// Instance fields
this.#_app = app;
this.#_children = null;
this.#_element = document.createElement(tagName);
this.#_parent = null;
this.#_substitutions = null;
this.visibility = overrides.visibility;
// Register the element with the Toolkit environment
this.element[_package.componentKey] = this;
// Apply overrides
Object.assign(, ?? {});
for (let entry of Object.entries(overrides)) {
let key = entry[0];
let value = entry[1];
switch (key) {
// Properties that are handled in other ways
case "style":
case "tagName":
case "visibility":
// Properties of the component
case "enabled":
case "focusable":
case "id":
case "visible":
this[key] = value;
// Properties with special handling
case "ariaLabelledBy":
if (value != null)
this.#_element.setAttribute("aria-labelledby", value);
else this.#_element.removeAttribute("aria-labelledby");
// Properties of the element
this.#_element[key] = value;
// Register the component with the app
if (app != null)
_package.App.onCreate(app, this);
/////////////////////////////// Properties ////////////////////////////////
// Containing Toolkit.App
get app() { return this.#_app; }
// Child components
get children() { return (this.#_children ?? []).slice(); }
// HTML class list
get classList() { return this.#_element.classList; }
// HTML element
get element() { return this.#_element; }
// HTML element ID
get id() { return || null; }
set id(value) { = String(value ?? ""); }
// Containing Toolkit.Component
get parent() { return this.#_parent; }
// HTML element style declaration state
get style() { return; }
// Visibility control
get visibility() { return this.#_visibility; }
set visibility(value) {
value = !!value;
// Property is not changing
if (value == this.#_visibility)
// Update the visibility mode
let visible = this.visible;
this.#_visibility = value;
this.visible = visible;
// HTML element visibility
get visible() { return this.#_visible == null; }
set visible(value) {
value = !!value;
// Property is not changing
if (value == (this.#_visible == null))
// Show the element
if (value) {
if (this.#_visibility)"visibility");
else if (this.#_visible == "")"display");
else = this.#_visible;
this.#_visible = null;
// Hide the element
else {
this.#_visible =;
if (this.#_visibility) = "hidden";
else = "none";
///////////////////////////// Event Handlers //////////////////////////////
// Component added to parent, shold be overridden as needed
#onAdd() {}
// Configure display text, should be overridden as needed
#onLocalize() {}
///////////////////////////// Public Methods //////////////////////////////
// Add a child component
add(comp) {
// Error checking
if (!(comp instanceof Toolkit.Component))
throw new TypeError("Component must be a Toolkit.Component.");
if ( != this && != this.#_app)
throw new RangeError("Component must belong to the same App.");
// TODO: Disassociate the component from its current parent
// Associate the component
(this.#_children ??= []).push(comp);
comp.#_parent = this;
if (arguments[1] === false)
return; // Undocumented: prevent element management
// Register an event listener
addEventListener(type, listener) {
// Input validation
type = String(type);
if (!(listener instanceof Function))
throw new TypeError("listener must be a function.");
// The event listener is already registered
if (this.#_eventListeners?.get(type)?.includes(listener))
// Establish a set for the listener type
this.#_eventListeners ??= new Map();
if (!this.#_eventListeners.has(type)) {
let listeners = [];
listeners.inner = new Map();
this.#_eventListeners.set(type, listeners);
// Dark events implemented via MediaQueryList
if (type == "dark") {
listeners.handler =
e=>{ this.#_emit("dark", { isDark: e.matches }); };
.addEventListener("change", listeners.handler);
// Resize events implemented via ResizeObserver
else if (type == "resize") {
listeners.handler = new ResizeObserver(()=>{
{ bounds: this.#_element.getBoundingClientRect() });
// Visibility events implemented via IntersectionObserver
else if (type == "visibility") {
listeners.handler = new ResizeObserver(()=>{
{ visible: Toolkit.isVisible(this.#_element) });
// Register the listener
let listeners = this.#_eventListeners.get(type);
let inner = e=>{ e[] = this; listener(e); }
listeners.inner.set(listener, inner);
this.#_element.addEventListener(type, inner);
// Destroy a component and all of its application references
delete() {
// TODO: Remove from parent
let app = this.#_app;
if (app != null) {
this.#_app = null;
_package.App.onDelete(app, this);
// Retrieve the value for a substitution
getSubstitution(key) {
return key == null ? null :
this.#_substitutions?.get(String(key)) ?? null;
// Determine whether the element is fully visible
isVisible() {
return Toolkit.isVisible(this.#_element);
// Generate a list of focusable descendant elements
listFocusable() {
return Toolkit.listFocusable(this.#_element);
// Register or remove a substitution
setSubstitution(key, value) {
// Error checking
if (key == null)
throw new TypeError("Key cannot be null.");
// Input validation
key = String(key);
if (!(value instanceof RegExp))
value = String(value);
// Remove an association
if (value == null) {
if (this.#_substitutions?.has(key)) {
if (this.#_substitutions.length == 0)
this.#_substitutions = null;
// Register an association
(this.#_substitutions ??= new Map()).set(key, value);
// Update any display text
///////////////////////////// Private Methods /////////////////////////////
// Generate a custom event object
#_emit(type, properties) {
let e = new Event(type, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true });
Object.defineProperties(e, { target: { value: this.#_element } });
Object.assign(e, properties);

toolkit/Group.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,280 @@
// Model state manager for checkboxes or radio buttons
export default (Toolkit,_package)=>class Group {
// Instance fields
#_app; // Managed Toolkit.App
#_byComponent; // Mapping of values keyed by component
#_byValue; // Mapping of component sets keyed by value
#_checked; // Set of checked values
#_eventListeners; // Active event listeners
#_type; // Group type, either "checkbox" or "radio"
///////////////////////// Initialization Methods //////////////////////////
static {
_package.Group = {
onAction: (g,c)=>g.#_onAction(c)
constructor() {
this.#_app = null;
this.#_byComponent = new Map();
this.#_byValue = new Map();
this.#_checked = new Set();
this.#_eventListeners = null;
this.#_type = null;
/////////////////////////////// Properties ////////////////////////////////
// Number of components in the group
get size() { return this.#_byComponent.size; }
// Array of checked values or singular radio value (null if none)
get value() {
let ret = [... this.#_checked];
return this.#_type == "checkbox" ? ret : ret[0] ?? null;
// Specify the current checkbox values or radio value
set value(value) {
// Error checking
if (this.#_type == null)
throw new Error("There are no components in the group.");
// Update the radio value
if (this.#_type == "radio") {
if (value === null)
this.set(this.value, false);
this.set(value, true);
// Update the checkbox values
let checked = new Set(Array.isArray(value) ? value : [ value ]);
for (value of this.#_byValue.keys())
this.set(value, checked.has(value));
///////////////////////////// Public Methods //////////////////////////////
// Component iterator
[Symbol.iterator]() { return this.components(); }
// Add a component to the group
add(ctrl, value) {
let size = this.#_byComponent.size;
// Error checking
if (this.#_byComponent.has(ctrl))
throw new Error("Control is already part of this group.");
if (!(ctrl instanceof Toolkit.Component))
throw new Error("Control must be a Toolkit.Component.");
if (this.#_isOtherGroup(ctrl))
throw new Error("Control is already part of another group.");
if (size != 0 && != this.#_app) {
throw new Error("All controls in the group must belong " +
"to the same Toolkit.App.");
// Determine the group type of the item being added
let type = null;
if (ctrl instanceof Toolkit.MenuItem) {
if (ctrl.type == "checkbox")
type = "checkbox";
else if (ctrl.type == "radio")
type = "radio";
// Error checking
if (type == null) {
throw new Error("Control must be of a checkbox or " +
"radio button or variety.");
if (size != 0 && type != this.#_type) {
throw new Error("All controls in the group must be of the same " +
"variety, either checkbox or radio button.");
// First component in the group
if (size == 0) {
this.#_app =;
this.#_type = type;
// Register the component
this.#_byComponent.set(ctrl, value);
if (ctrl instanceof Toolkit.MenuItem)
_package.MenuItem.setGroup(ctrl, this);
// Register the value, add the component to the value's list
if (!this.#_byValue.has(value))
this.#_byValue.set(value, new Set());
if (ctrl instanceof Toolkit.MenuItem)
_package.MenuItem.setChecked(ctrl, this.#_checked.has(value));
// Register an event listener
addEventListener(type, listener) {
// Input validation
type = String(type);
if (!(listener instanceof Function))
throw new TypeError("listener must be a function.");
// The event listener is already registered
if (this.#_eventListeners?.get(type)?.includes(listener))
// Establish a set for the listener type
this.#_eventListeners ??= new Map();
if (!this.#_eventListeners.has(type)) {
let listeners = [];
listeners.inner = new Map();
this.#_eventListeners.set(type, listeners);
// Register the listener
let listeners = this.#_eventListeners.get(type);
let inner = e=>{
e[ ] = this;
e[] = Toolkit.component(;
listeners.inner.set(listener, inner);
// Component iterator
*components() {
let ret = [... this.#_byComponent.keys()];
for (let ctrl of ret)
yield ctrl;
// Determine whether a model value is currently checked
is(value) {
return this.#_checked.has(value);
// Remove a component from the group
remove(ctrl) {
// Error checking
if (!this.#_byComponent.has(ctrl))
// Working variables
let value = this.#_byComponent.get(ctrl);
let components = this.#_byValue .get(value);
// Unregister the component
// No components remain
if (this.#_byComponent.size == 0) {
this.#_app = null;
this.#_type = null;
// Un-register the value
if (components.size == 0) {
// Detach the component from the group
if (ctrl instanceof MenuItem)
_package.MenuItem.setGroup(ctrl, null);
// Specify whether a model value is currently checked
set(value, checked) {
// Error checking
if (!this.#_byValue.has(value))
// Checked state is not changing
checked = !!checked;
if (this.#_checked.has(value) == checked)
// Un-check the previous radio value
if (this.#_type == "radio" && this.#_checked.size == 1) {
let checked = [... this.#_checked][0];
if (checked != value)
this.set(checked, false);
// Update components
for (let ctrl of this.#_byValue.get(value)) {
if (ctrl instanceof Toolkit.MenuItem)
_package.MenuItem.setChecked(ctrl, checked);
// Update model
this.#_checked[checked ? "add" : "delete"](value);
// Value iterator
*values() {
if (this.#_byComponent.size == 0)
let ret = this.values;
if (this.#_type != "checkbox")
ret = [ ret ];
for (let value of ret)
yield value;
///////////////////////////// Package Methods /////////////////////////////
// Control was activated by the user
#_onAction(ctrl) {
this.type == "radio" ? true : !this.#_checked.has(ctrl));
if (!this.#_eventListeners.has("action"))
let listeners = this.#_eventListeners.get("action");
for (let listener of listeners) {
listener = listeners.inner.get(listener);
let e = new Event("group", { bubbles: true, cancelable: true });
Object.defineProperties(e, { target: { value: ctrl.element } });
///////////////////////////// Private Methods /////////////////////////////
// Generate a custom event object
#_emit(type, ctrl, properties) {
let e = new Event(type, { bubbles: true, cancelable: true });
Object.defineProperties(e, { target: { value: ctrl.element } });
Object.assign(e, properties);
return e;
// Determine whether a component belongs to another Group
#_isOtherGroup(ctrl) {
let group = null;
if (ctrl instanceof Toolkit.MenuItem)
group =;
return group != null && group != this;

toolkit/MenuBar.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
// Window menu bar
export default (Toolkit,_package)=>class MenuBar extends Toolkit.Component {
// Instance fields
#_ariaLabel; // Accessible label
///////////////////////// Initialization Methods //////////////////////////
static {
_package.MenuBar = {
activate : (c,i,f,x)=>c.#_activate(i,f,x),
children : c=>this.#_children(c),
onLocalize: c=>c.#onLocalize()
constructor(app, overrides) {
super(app, _package.override(overrides, {
ariaOrientation: "horizontal",
className : "menu-bar",
role : "menubar",
style : {
display : "flex",
flexWrap: "wrap"
// Configure instance fields
this.#_ariaLabel = null;
// Configure event listeners
this.addEventListener("focusout", e=>this.#_onBlur (e));
this.addEventListener("keydown" , e=>this.#_onKeyDown(e));
/////////////////////////////// Properties ////////////////////////////////
// Accessible label
get ariaLabel() { return this.#_ariaLabel; }
set ariaLabel(value) {
if (value != null && !(value instanceof RegExp))
value = String(value);
this.#_ariaLabel = value;
///////////////////////////// Event Handlers //////////////////////////////
// Focus out
#_onBlur(e) {
if (this.element.contains(e.relatedTarget))
// Key pressed
#_onKeyDown(e) {
let item = Toolkit.component(e.originalTarget);
// Processing by key
switch (e.key) {
case " ":
case "Enter":
case "Pointer":
this.#_activate(item, e.key == "Enter", e.key != " ");
case "ArrowDown":
// Expand the sub-menu and focus its first item
if (item.parent instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar) {
item.expanded = true;
this.#_focusBookend(item, false);
// Focus the next available sibling
else this.#_focusCycle(item, false);
case "ArrowUp":
// Focus the previous available sibling
if (!(item.parent instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar))
this.#_focusCycle(item, true);
case "ArrowRight":
// Focus the next available sibling
if (item.parent instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar)
this.#_focusCycle(item, false);
// Expand the sub-menu and focus its first item
else if (item.children.length != 0) {
item.expanded = true;
this.#_focusBookend(item, false);
// Focus the next top-level sibling's first sub-item
else {
while (!(item.parent instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar))
item = item.parent;
let expanded = item.expanded;
let next = this.#_focusCycle(item, false);
if (!(
expanded &&
next != null &&
next != item &&
next.children.length != 0
)) break;
next.expanded = true;
this.#_focusBookend(next, false);
case "ArrowLeft":
// Focus the previous available sibling
if (item.parent instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar)
this.#_focusCycle(item, true);
// Focus the previous top-level sibling's first sub-item
else if (item.parent.parent instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar) {
while (!(item.parent instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar))
item = item.parent;
let expanded = item;
let next = this.#_focusCycle(item, true);
if (!(expanded && next != null && next != item))
next.expanded = true;
this.#_focusBookend(next, false);
// Collapse the sub-menu
else item.parent.element.focus();
case "End": // Focus the last sibling menu item
this.#_focusBookend(item.parent, true);
case "Escape":
// Collapse the sub-menu
if (item.expanded) {
item.expanded = false;
// Collapse the current menu and focus on the menu item
else if (!(item.parent instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar)) {
item.parent.expanded = false;
// Restore focus to the previous element
else this.#_restoreFocus();
case "Home": // Focus the first sibling menu item
this.#_focusBookend(item.parent, false);
default: { // Focus the next item that starts with the typed key
let key = e.key.toLowerCase();
if (key.length != 1)
return; // Allow the event to bubble
this.#_focusCycle(item, false, key);
// Event has been handled
// Configure display text
#onLocalize() {
this.element.ariaLabel =, this) ?? "";
///////////////////////////// Public Methods //////////////////////////////
// Add a menu item
add(comp) {
if (!(comp instanceof Toolkit.MenuItem))
throw new TypeError("Component must be a Toolkit.MenuItem.");
comp.element.tabIndex =
_package.MenuBar.children(this).length == 1 ? 0 : -1;
///////////////////////////// Private Methods /////////////////////////////
// Activate a menu item
#_activate(item, focus, close) {
// Error checking
if (item.disabled)
//switch (item.constructor) {
// case Toolkit.CheckBoxMenuItem : return;
// case Toolkit.RadioButtonMenuItem: return;
// Item does not have a sub-menu
if (_package.MenuBar.children(item).length == 0) {
_package.MenuItem.activate(item, true);
if (close || item.type == "button")
// Collapse any other open sub-menu
let prev = item.parent.children.find(c=>c.expanded);
if (prev != null && prev != item)
prev.expanded = false;
// Expand the sub-menu
item.expanded = true;
if (focus)
this.#_focusBookend(item, false);
// Select eligible menu items
static #_children(menu) {
return menu == null ? [] : menu.children.filter(c=>c.visible);
// Collapse other sub-menus and expand a given sub-menu
#_expand(item) {
let other = item.parent.children.find(c=>c.expanded && c != item);
if (other != null)
other.expanded = false;
if (item.children.length != 0)
other.expanded = true;
// Move focus to the first or last menu item
#_focusBookend(menu, end) {
let children = _package.MenuBar.children(menu);
if (children.length == 0)
return null;
let item = children[end ? children.length - 1 : 0];
return item;
// Move focus to the next sibling of a menu item
#_focusCycle(item, reverse, key = null) {
let children = _package.MenuBar.children(item.parent).filter(c=>
(key == null || _package.MenuItem.startsWith(c, key)));
// No sibling menu items are eligible
if (children.length == 0)
return null;
// Working variables
let index = children.indexOf(item);
let step = children.length + (reverse ? -1 : 1);
// Find the next eligible sibling in the list
let sibling = children[(index + step) % children.length];
return sibling;
// Retrieve the root-level menu bar containing a menu item
#_menuBar(item) {
while (!(item instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar))
item = item.parent;
return item;
// Restore focus to the previous component
#_restoreFocus() {
let item = _package.MenuBar.children(this).find(c=>c.expanded)
if (item != null)
item.expanded = false;

toolkit/MenuItem.js Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,552 @@
// Sub-menu container
let Menu = (Toolkit,_package)=>class Menu extends Toolkit.Component {
///////////////////////// Initialization Methods //////////////////////////
constructor(app, overrides) {
super(app, _package.override(overrides, {
className : "menu",
role : "menu",
visibility: true,
visible : false,
style : {
display : "flex",
flexDirection: "column",
position : "absolute"
// Configure event handlers
this.addEventListener("focusout" , e=>this.#_onFocusOut(e));
this.addEventListener("pointerdown", e=>Toolkit.consume (e));
///////////////////////////// Event Handlers //////////////////////////////
// Focus lost
#_onFocusOut(e) {
new FocusEvent("focusout", { relatedTarget: e.relatedTarget }));
// Menu separator
let Separator = (Toolkit,_package)=>class Separator extends Toolkit.Component {
///////////////////////// Initialization Methods //////////////////////////
constructor(app, overrides) {
super(app, _package.override(overrides, {
ariaOrientation: "horizontal",
className : "menu-separator",
role : "separator"
/////////////////////////////// Properties ////////////////////////////////
get type() { return "separator"; }
// Menu item
export default (Toolkit,_package)=>class MenuItem extends Toolkit.Component {
// Inner classes
static #_Menu = Menu (Toolkit, _package);
static #_Separator = Separator(Toolkit, _package);
// Instance fields
#_client; // Interior content element
#_columns; // Content elements
#_drag; // Click and drag context
#_group; // Containing Toolkit.Group
#_icon; // Icon image URL
#_menu; // Pop-up menu element
#_resizer; // Column sizing listener
#_start; // Character that the display text starts with
#_text; // Display text
#_value; // Radio button value
///////////////////////// Initialization Methods //////////////////////////
static {
_package.MenuItem = {
activate : (c,f)=>c.#_activate(f),
menu : c=>c.#_menu,
onLocalize: c=>c.#_onLocalize(),
setChecked: (c,v)=>c.#_setChecked(v),
setGroup : (c,g)=>c.#_group=g,
startsWith: (c,k)=>c.#_startsWith(k)
constructor(app, overrides) {
overrides = _package.override(overrides, {
className: "menu-item"
let underrides = _package.underride(overrides, {
group: null,
text : null,
type : "button"
super(app, overrides);
// Configure instance fields
this.disabled = overrides.disabled;
this.#_drag = null;
this.#_icon = null;
this.#_menu = null;
this.#_start = null;
this.#_text = null;
// Configure event handlers
this.addEventListener("focusout" , e=>this.#_onFocusOut (e));
this.addEventListener("pointerdown", e=>this.#_onPointerDown(e));
this.addEventListener("pointermove", e=>this.#_onPointerMove(e));
this.addEventListener("pointerup" , e=>this.#_onPointerUp (e));
// Configure contents
this.#_client = document.createElement("div");
Object.assign(, {
display: "grid"
this.#_columns = [
document.createElement("div"), // Icon
document.createElement("div"), // Text
document.createElement("div") // Shortcut
for (let column of this.#_columns)
// Configure properties =;
this.text = underrides.text;
this.type = underrides.type;
/////////////////////////////// Properties ////////////////////////////////
// Check box or radio button checked state
get checked() { return this.element.ariaChecked == "true"; }
set checked(value) {
if (this.#_group == null)
// Element is inoperable
get disabled() { return this.element.ariaDisabled == "true"; }
set disabled(value) {
value = Boolean(value);
if (value == this.disabled)
if (value)
this.element.ariaDisabled = "true";
else this.element.removeAttribute("aria-disabled");
// Sub-menu is visible
get expanded() { return this.element.ariaExpanded == "true"; }
set expanded(value) {
// Cannot be expanded
if (this.children.length == 0)
// Input validation
value = Boolean(value);
if (value == this.expanded)
// Expand or collapse self
this.element.ariaExpanded = String(value);
this.element.classList[value ? "add" : "remove"]("active");
this.#_menu.visible = value;
// Position the sub-menu element
if (value) {
let bounds = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
this.parent instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar ?
left: bounds.left + "px",
top : bounds.bottom + "px"
} : {
left: bounds.right + "px",
top : + "px"
// Collapse any expanded sub-menu
else {
let item = this.children.find(c=>c.expanded);
if (item != null)
item.expanded = false;
// Containing Toolkit.Group
get group() { return this.#_group; }
set group(value) {}
// Icon image URL
get icon() { return this.#_icon; }
set icon(value) {
this.#_icon = value ? String(value) : null;
// Display text
get text() { return this.#_text; }
set text(value) {
if (value != null && !(value instanceof RegExp))
value = String(value);
this.#_text = value;
// Menu item type
get type() {
switch (this.element.role) {
case "menuitem" : return "button";
case "menuitemcheckbox": return "checkbox";
case "menuitemradio" : return "radio";
return null;
set type(value) {
// Cannot change type if there is a sub-menu
if (this.children.length != 0)
throw new Error("Cannot change type while a sub-menu exists.");
// Error checking
value = value == null ? null : String(value);
let type = this.type;
if (type != null && value == type)
// Input validation
switch (String(value)) {
case "button" : value = "menuitem" ; break;
case "checkbox": value = "menuitemcheckbox"; break;
case "radio" : value = "menuitemradio" ; break;
if (type != null)
value = "menuitem";
// Update the component
this.element.role = value;
// Radio button value
get value() { return this.#_value; }
set value(value) { this.#_value = value; }
// HTML element visibility
get visible() { return super.visible; }
set visible(value) {
value = !!value;
if (value == super.visible)
super.visible = value;
// TODO: Refresh siblings and parent
///////////////////////////// Event Handlers //////////////////////////////
// Component added to parent
#_onAdd() {
if (this.#_menu != null)
// Focus lost
#_onFocusOut(e) {
if (
this.expanded &&
this.element != e.relatedTarget &&
) this.expanded = false;
// Configure display text
#_onLocalize() {
let text =, this) ?? "";
this.#_columns[1].innerText = text;
this.#_start = text.length == 0 ? null : text[0].toLowerCase();
// Pointer pressed
#_onPointerDown(e) {
// Acquire focus
// Error checking
if (this.disabled || e.button != 0 || this.#_drag != null)
// Activate a sub-menu
if (this.children.length != 0) {
if (!this.expanded)
else this.expanded = false;
// Initiate a button response on a sub-menu item
this.#_drag = e.pointerId;
// Pointer moved
#_onPointerMove(e) {
// Style the menu item like a button on drag
if (this.#_drag != null) {
[this.#_contains(e) ? "add" : "remove"]("active");
// Expand the sub-menu if another top-level sub-menu is expanded
if (
this.parent instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar &&
this.children.length != 0
) {
let item = this.parent.children.find(c=>c.expanded);
if (item != null && !this.expanded) {
this.expanded = true;
// Pointer released
#_onPointerUp(e) {
// Error checking
if (e.button != 0 || this.#_drag != e.pointerId)
// Terminate the button response
this.#_drag = null;
// Activate the menu item
if (this.#_contains(e))
// Column resized
#_onResizeColumn() {
let widths =>0);
for (let item of _package.MenuBar.children(this))
for (let x = 0; x < widths.length; x++) {
let column = item.#_columns[x];"min-width");
widths[x] = Math.max(widths[x],
for (let item of _package.MenuBar.children(this))
for (let x = 0; x < widths.length; x++) {
if (x == 1)
continue; // Text
item.#_columns[x].style.minWidth = widths[x] + "px";
///////////////////////////// Public Methods //////////////////////////////
// Add a menu item
add(comp) {
// Error checking
if (!(comp instanceof Toolkit.MenuItem))
throw new TypeError("Component must be a Toolkit.MenuItem.");
// Associate the menu item with self
super.add(comp, false);
// The menu sub-component does not exist
if (this.#_menu == null) { = ??;
this.#_menu = new this.constructor.#_Menu(,
{ ariaLabelledBy: });
_package.Component.setParent(this.#_menu, this);
if (this.parent != null)
Object.assign(this.element, {
ariaExpanded: "false",
ariaHasPopup: "menu"
this.#_resizer ??=
new ResizeObserver(()=>this.#_onResizeColumn());
// Add the component to the menu sub-component
comp.element.tabIndex = -1;
// Refresh all sub-menu items
let children = _package.MenuBar.children(this);
let icon = this.#_needsIcon (children);
let shortcut = this.#_needsShortcut(children);
for (let item of children)
item.#_refresh(icon, shortcut);
// Add a separator between menu items
addSeparator(overrides = {}) {
let item =
new this.constructor.#_Separator(, overrides);
///////////////////////////// Package Methods /////////////////////////////
// Reconfigure contents
#_refresh(needsIcon = null, needsShortcut = null) {
let client =;
let icon = this.#_columns[0].style;
let shortcut = this.#_columns[2].style;
let hasIcon = true;
// Input validation
if (needsIcon == null || needsShortcut == null) {
let children = _package.MenuBar.children(this.parent);
needsIcon ??= this.#_needsIcon (children);
needsShortcut ??= this.#_needsShortcut(children);
// Regular menu item
if (this.type == "button") {
if (this.#_icon != null) {
icon.backgroundImage = "url(" + this.#_icon + ")";
} else {
hasIcon = false;
// Check box or radio button menu item
else icon.removeProperty("background-image");
// Configure layout
let template = ["auto"];
if (needsIcon || hasIcon) {
} else icon.display = "none";
if (needsShortcut && false) { // TODO: Implement shortcut column
} else shortcut.display = "none";
client.gridTemplateColumns = template.join(" ");
// Modify the checked state
#_setChecked(value) {
if (this.type != "button")
this.element.ariaChecked = value ? "true" : "false";
// Determine whether the translated display text starts with a given string
#_startsWith(pattern) {
return this.#_start == pattern;
///////////////////////////// Private Methods /////////////////////////////
// Simulate activation
#_activate(fromMenuBar = false) {
// Reroute activation handling to the containing Toolkit.MenuBar
if (!fromMenuBar) {
let bar = this.#_menuBar();
if (bar != null) {
_package.MenuBar.activate(bar, this, false, true);
// Handling by menu item type
if (this.#_group != null)
_package.Group.onAction(this.#_group, this);
else if (this.type == "checkbox")
this.checked = !this.checked;
else if (this.type == "radio")
this.checked = true;
// Emit an action event
this.element.dispatchEvent(new Event("action"));
// Determine whether the pointer is within the element's boundary
#_contains(e) {
let bounds = this.element.getBoundingClientRect();
return (
e.clientX >= bounds.left &&
e.clientX < bounds.right &&
e.clientY >= &&
e.clientY < bounds.bottom
// Resolve the containing Toolkit.MenuBar
#_menuBar() {
let item = this.parent;
while (item != null && !(item instanceof Toolkit.MenuBar))
item = item.parent;
return item;
// Determine whether sub-menu items need to show the icon column
#_needsIcon(children = null) {
return ((children ?? _package.MenuBar.children(this))
.some(c=>c.type != "button" || c.icon != null));
// Determine whether sub-menu items need to show the shortcut column
#_needsShortcut(children = null) {
return false;
//return ((children ?? _package.MenuBar.children(this))
// .any(c=>c.children.length != 0));

toolkit/Toolkit.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,133 @@
import App from /**/"./App.js";
import Component from /**/"./Component.js";
import Group from /**/"./Group.js";
import MenuBar from /**/"./MenuBar.js";
import MenuItem from /**/"./MenuItem.js";
// Pseudo environment context
let _package = {};
// GUI widget toolkit root
class Toolkit {
//////////////////////////////// Constants ////////////////////////////////
// Event keys
static group = Symbol(); // Events emitted by Toolkit.Group
static target = Symbol(); // Event target as a Toolkit.Component
///////////////////////// Initialization Methods //////////////////////////
Toolkit() { throw new Error("Cannot be instantiated."); }
static {
// Environment members
Object.assign(_package, {
componentKey: Symbol("Toolkit component"),
darkQuery : window.matchMedia("(prefers-color-scheme:dark)"),
nextId : 0n,
override : this.#override,
underride : this.#underride
// Register package classes with the Toolkit namespace
_package.register = ()=>{
this.Component = Component(this, _package);
this.App = App (this, _package);
this.Group = Group (this, _package);
this.MenuBar = MenuBar (this, _package);
this.MenuItem = MenuItem (this, _package);
Object.seal (this);
///////////////////////////// Static Methods //////////////////////////////
// Resolve the Toolkit.Component for an HTML element
static component(element) {
return element[_package.componentKey] ?? null;
// Terminate an event
static consume(event) {
// Generate a unique element ID
static id() {
return "tk-" + _package.nextId++;
// Determine whether the user dark mode preference is active
static isDark() {
return _package.darkQuery.matches;
// Determine whether an element is fully visible
static isVisible(element, cache = null) {
cache ??= new Map();
for (let e = element; e instanceof Element; e = e.parentNode) {
let style;
if (!cache.has(e))
cache.set(e, style = getComputedStyle(e));
else style = cache.get(e);
if (style.display == "none" || style.visibility == "hidden")
return false;
return true;
// Generate a list of focusable descendant elements
static listFocusable(element) {
let cache = new Map();
return Array.from(element.querySelectorAll(
"*:is(a[href],area,button,details,input,textarea,select," +
)).filter(e=>this.isVisible(e, cache));
static stylesheet(url) {
let style = document.createElement("link");
style.rel = "stylesheet";
style.href = url;
return style;
///////////////////////////// Package Methods /////////////////////////////
// Process overrides for Toolkit.Component initialization
static #override(fromCaller, fromSelf) {
fromCaller = Object.assign({}, fromCaller ?? {});
fromSelf = Object.assign({}, fromSelf ?? {}); = Object.assign( ?? {}, ?? {});
Object.assign(fromSelf, fromCaller);
return fromSelf;
// Extract override properties for later processing
static #underride(overrides, underrides) {
let ret = {};
for (let entry of Object.entries(underrides)) {
ret[entry[0]] = overrides[entry[0]] ?? underrides[entry[1]];
delete overrides[entry[0]];
return ret;
export default Toolkit;

util/ShiftJIS.js Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

util/ZipFile.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,202 @@
// File archiver
class ZipFile {
// Instance fields
#files; // Active collection of files in the archive
////////////////////////////// Constants //////////////////////////////
// CRC32 lookup table
static #CRC_LOOKUP = new Uint32Array(256);
static {
for (let x = 0; x <= 255; x++) {
let l = x;
for (let j = 7; j >= 0; j--)
l = ((l >>> 1) ^ (0xEDB88320 & -(l & 1)));
this.#CRC_LOOKUP[x] = l;
///////////////////////// Initialization Methods //////////////////////////
constructor() {
this.#files = new Map();
///////////////////////////// Public Methods //////////////////////////////
// Iterator
*[Symbol.iterator]() {
let names = this.list();
for (let name of names)
yield name;
// Add a file to the archive
add(filename, data) {
if (Array.from(filename).findIndex(c=>c.codePointAt(0) > 126) != -1)
throw new Error("Filename must be ASCII.");
if (this.#files.has(filename))
throw new Error("File with given name already exists.");
this.#files.set(filename, Uint8Array.from(data));
// Retrieve the file data for a given filename
get(filename) {
if (!this.#files.has(filename))
throw new Error("No file exists with the given name.");
return this.#files.get(filename);
// Retrieve a sorted list of contained filenames
list() {
return [... this.#files.keys()].sort();
// Remove a file from the archive
remove(filename) {
if (!this.#files.has(filename))
throw new Error("No file exists with the given name.");
// Produce a Blob representation of the compiled .zip file
async toBlob() {
let comps = new Map();
let count = this.#files.size;
let crc32s = new Map();
let filenames = this.list();
let offsets = new Map();
let output = [];
// Preprocessing
for (let name of filenames) {
let data = this.#files.get(name);
comps .set(name, this.#deflate(data));
crc32s.set(name, this.#crc32 (data));
// Local files
for (let name of filenames) {
let data = this.#files.get(name);
let comp = await comps.get(name);
let deflate = comp.length < data.length;
comps .set(name, deflate ? comp.length : null);
offsets.set(name, output.length);
this.#zipHeader(output, name, data.length,
comps.get(name), crc32s.get(name));
this.#bytes(output, deflate ? comp : data);
// Central directory
let centralOffset = output.length;
for (let name of filenames) {
comps .get(name),
crc32s .get(name),
offsets .get(name)
let centralSize = output.length - centralOffset;
// End of central directory
this.#u32(output, 0x06054B50); // Signature
this.#u16(output, 0); // This disk number
this.#u16(output, 0); // Central start disk number
this.#u16(output, count); // Number of items this disk
this.#u16(output, count); // Number of items total
this.#u32(output, centralSize); // Size of central directory
this.#u32(output, centralOffset); // Offset of central directory
this.#u16(output, 0); // Comment length
return new Blob([Uint8Array.from(output)], {type:"application/zip"});
///////////////////////////// Private Methods /////////////////////////////
// Output an array of bytes
#bytes(output, x) {
for (let b of x)
// Calculate the CRC32 checksum for a byte array
#crc32(data) {
let c = 0xFFFFFFFF;
for (let x = 0; x < data.length; x++)
c = ((c >>> 8) ^ ZipFile.#CRC_LOOKUP[(c ^ data[x]) & 0xFF]);
return ~c & 0xFFFFFFFF;
// Compress a data buffer via DEFLATE
#deflate(data) {
return new Response(new Blob([data]).stream()
.pipeThrough(new CompressionStream("deflate-raw"))).bytes();
// Output an ASCII string
#string(output, x) {
this.#bytes(output, Array.from(x).map(c=>c.codePointAt(0)));
// Output an 8-bit integer
#u8(output, x) {
output.push(x & 0xFF);
// Output a 16-bit integer
#u16(output, x) {
this.#u8(output, x);
this.#u8(output, x >> 8);
// Output a 32-bit integer
#u32(output, x) {
this.#u16(output, x);
this.#u16(output, x >> 16);
// Output a ZIP header
#zipHeader(output, name, dataLength, compLength, crc32, offset = null) {
let central = offset != null;
let method = compLength == null ? 0 : 8;
let signature = central ? 0x02014B50 : 0x04034B50;
compLength ??= dataLength;
this.#u32(output, signature); // Signature
if (central)
this.#u16(output, 20); // Version made by
this.#u16(output, 20); // Version extracted by
this.#u16(output, 0); // General-purpose flags
this.#u16(output, method); // Compression method
this.#u16(output, 0); // Modified time
this.#u16(output, 0); // Modified date
this.#u32(output, crc32); // CRC32 checksum
this.#u32(output, compLength); // Compressed size
this.#u32(output, dataLength); // Uncompressed size
this.#u16(output, name.length); // Filename length
this.#u16(output, 0); // Extra field length
if (central) {
this.#u16(output, 0); // File comment length
this.#u16(output, 0); // Disk number start
this.#u16(output, 0); // Internal file attributes
this.#u32(output, 0); // External file attributes
this.#u32(output, offset); // Offset of local header
this.#string(output, name); // File name
export default ZipFile;