VIP inspection tooling #4
@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ use std::{
atomic::{AtomicBool, Ordering},
mpsc::{self, RecvError, TryRecvError},
Arc, Weak,
@ -17,7 +17,11 @@ use bytemuck::NoUninit;
use egui_toast::{Toast, ToastKind, ToastOptions};
use tracing::{error, warn};
use crate::{audio::Audio, graphics::TextureSink};
use crate::{
memory::{MemoryRange, MemoryRegion},
use shrooms_vb_core::{Sim, StopReason, EXPECTED_FRAME_SIZE};
pub use shrooms_vb_core::{VBKey, VBRegister, VBWatchpointType};
@ -165,8 +169,10 @@ pub struct Emulator {
renderers: HashMap<SimId, TextureSink>,
messages: HashMap<SimId, mpsc::Sender<Toast>>,
debuggers: HashMap<SimId, DebugInfo>,
watched_regions: HashMap<MemoryRange, Weak<MemoryRegion>>,
eye_contents: Vec<u8>,
audio_samples: Vec<f32>,
buffer: Vec<u8>,
impl Emulator {
@ -189,8 +195,10 @@ impl Emulator {
renderers: HashMap::new(),
messages: HashMap::new(),
debuggers: HashMap::new(),
watched_regions: HashMap::new(),
eye_contents: vec![0u8; 384 * 224 * 2],
audio_samples: Vec::with_capacity(EXPECTED_FRAME_SIZE),
buffer: vec![],
@ -367,6 +375,10 @@ impl Emulator {
fn watch_memory(&mut self, range: MemoryRange, region: Weak<MemoryRegion>) {
self.watched_regions.insert(range, region);
pub fn run(&mut self) {
loop {
let idle = self.tick();
@ -391,6 +403,18 @@ impl Emulator {
self.watched_regions.retain(|range, region| {
let Some(region) = region.upgrade() else {
return false;
let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(range.sim.to_index()) else {
return false;
sim.read_memory(range.start, range.length, &mut self.buffer);
@ -557,6 +581,9 @@ impl Emulator {
sim.write_memory(start, &buffer);
let _ = done.send(buffer);
EmulatorCommand::WatchMemory(range, region) => {
self.watch_memory(range, region);
EmulatorCommand::AddBreakpoint(sim_id, address) => {
let Some(sim) = self.sims.get_mut(sim_id.to_index()) else {
@ -647,6 +674,7 @@ pub enum EmulatorCommand {
WriteRegister(SimId, VBRegister, u32),
ReadMemory(SimId, u32, usize, Vec<u8>, oneshot::Sender<Vec<u8>>),
WriteMemory(SimId, u32, Vec<u8>, oneshot::Sender<Vec<u8>>),
WatchMemory(MemoryRange, Weak<MemoryRegion>),
AddBreakpoint(SimId, u32),
RemoveBreakpoint(SimId, u32),
AddWatchpoint(SimId, u32, usize, VBWatchpointType),
@ -1,15 +1,18 @@
use std::{
sync::{Arc, Mutex, MutexGuard},
sync::{atomic::AtomicU64, Arc, RwLock, RwLockReadGuard, TryLockError, Weak},
use bytemuck::BoxBytes;
use itertools::Itertools;
use tracing::warn;
use crate::emulator::{EmulatorClient, EmulatorCommand, SimId};
pub struct MemoryMonitor {
client: EmulatorClient,
regions: HashMap<MemoryRegion, Arc<Mutex<BoxBytes>>>,
regions: HashMap<MemoryRange, Weak<MemoryRegion>>,
impl MemoryMonitor {
@ -21,20 +24,19 @@ impl MemoryMonitor {
pub fn view(&mut self, sim: SimId, start: u32, length: usize) -> MemoryView {
let region = MemoryRegion { sim, start, length };
let memory = self.regions.entry(region).or_insert_with(|| {
let mut buf = aligned_memory(start, length);
let (tx, rx) = oneshot::channel();
.send_command(EmulatorCommand::ReadMemory(sim, start, length, vec![], tx));
let bytes = pollster::block_on(rx).unwrap();
#[expect(clippy::arc_with_non_send_sync)] // TODO: remove after bytemuck upgrade
MemoryView {
memory: memory.clone(),
let range = MemoryRange { sim, start, length };
let region = self
.and_then(|r| r.upgrade())
.unwrap_or_else(|| {
let region = Arc::new(MemoryRegion::new(start, length));
self.regions.insert(range, Arc::downgrade(®ion));
.send_command(EmulatorCommand::WatchMemory(range, Arc::downgrade(®ion)));
MemoryView { region }
@ -52,21 +54,17 @@ fn aligned_memory(start: u32, length: usize) -> BoxBytes {
pub struct MemoryView {
memory: Arc<Mutex<BoxBytes>>,
region: Arc<MemoryRegion>,
// SAFETY: BoxBytes is supposed to be Send+Sync, will be in a new version
unsafe impl Send for MemoryView {}
impl MemoryView {
pub fn borrow(&self) -> MemoryRef<'_> {
MemoryRef {
inner: self.memory.lock().unwrap(),
pub struct MemoryRef<'a> {
inner: MutexGuard<'a, BoxBytes>,
inner: RwLockReadGuard<'a, BoxBytes>,
impl MemoryRef<'_> {
@ -83,9 +81,102 @@ impl MemoryRef<'_> {
#[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
struct MemoryRegion {
sim: SimId,
start: u32,
length: usize,
#[derive(Clone, Copy, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Hash)]
pub struct MemoryRange {
pub sim: SimId,
pub start: u32,
pub length: usize,
const BUFFERS: usize = 4;
pub struct MemoryRegion {
gens: [AtomicU64; BUFFERS],
bufs: [RwLock<BoxBytes>; BUFFERS],
impl Debug for MemoryRegion {
fn fmt(&self, f: &mut std::fmt::Formatter<'_>) -> std::fmt::Result {
.field("gens", &self.gens)
// SAFETY: BoxBytes is meant to be Send+Sync, will be in a future version
unsafe impl Send for MemoryRegion {}
// SAFETY: BoxBytes is meant to be Send+Sync, will be in a future version
unsafe impl Sync for MemoryRegion {}
impl MemoryRegion {
fn new(start: u32, length: usize) -> Self {
Self {
gens: std::array::from_fn(|i| AtomicU64::new(i as u64)),
bufs: std::array::from_fn(|_| RwLock::new(aligned_memory(start, length))),
pub fn borrow(&self) -> MemoryRef<'_> {
* When reading memory, a thread will grab the newest buffer (with the highest gen)
* It will only fail to grab the lock if the writer already has it,
* but the writer prioritizes older buffers (with lower gens).
* So this method will only block if the writer produces three full buffers
* in the time it takes the reader to do four atomic reads and grab a lock.
* In the unlikely event this happens... just try again.
loop {
let newest_index = self
.map(|i| i.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Acquire))
.max_by_key(|(_, gen)| *gen)
.map(|(i, _)| i)
let inner = match self.bufs[newest_index].try_read() {
Ok(inner) => inner,
Err(TryLockError::Poisoned(e)) => e.into_inner(),
Err(TryLockError::WouldBlock) => {
break MemoryRef { inner };
pub fn update(&self, data: &[u8]) {
let gens: Vec<u64> = self
.map(|i| i.load(std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Acquire))
let next_gen = gens.iter().max().unwrap() + 1;
let indices = gens
.sorted_by_key(|(_, val)| *val)
.map(|(i, _)| i);
for index in indices {
let mut lock = match self.bufs[index].try_write() {
Ok(inner) => inner,
Err(TryLockError::Poisoned(e)) => e.into_inner(),
Err(TryLockError::WouldBlock) => {
self.gens[index].store(next_gen, std::sync::atomic::Ordering::Release);
* We have four buffers, and (at time of writing) only three threads interacting with memory:
* - The UI thread, reading small regions of memory
* - The "vram renderer" thread, reading large regions of memory
* - The emulation thread, writing memory every so often
* So it should be impossible for all four buffers to have a read lock at the same time,
* and (because readers always read the newest buffer) at least one of the oldest three
* buffers will be free the entire time we're in this method.
* TL;DR this should never happen.
* But if it does, do nothing. This isn't medical software, better to show stale data than crash.
warn!("all buffers were locked by a reader at the same time")
@ -359,100 +359,3 @@ impl CharDataRenderer {
utils::parse_palette(palette, brts)
struct CharDataLoader {
chardata: MemoryView,
brightness: MemoryView,
palettes: MemoryView,
impl CharDataLoader {
pub fn new(sim_id: SimId, memory: &mut MemoryMonitor) -> Self {
Self {
chardata: memory.view(sim_id, 0x00078000, 0x8000),
brightness: memory.view(sim_id, 0x0005f824, 8),
palettes: memory.view(sim_id, 0x0005f860, 16),
fn update_character(&self, image: &mut VramImage, palette: VramPalette, index: usize) {
if index >= 2048 {
let palette = self.load_palette(palette);
let chardata = self.chardata.borrow();
let character = chardata.range::<u16>(index * 8, 8);
for (row, pixels) in character.iter().enumerate() {
for col in 0..8 {
let char = (pixels >> (col * 2)) & 0x03;
image.write((col, row), palette[char as usize]);
fn update_character_data(&self, image: &mut VramImage, palette: VramPalette) {
let palette = self.load_palette(palette);
let chardata = self.chardata.borrow();
for (row, pixels) in chardata.range::<u16>(0, 8 * 2048).iter().enumerate() {
let char_index = row / 8;
let row_index = row % 8;
let x = (char_index % 16) * 8;
let y = (char_index / 16) * 8 + row_index;
for col in 0..8 {
let char = (pixels >> (col * 2)) & 0x03;
image.write((x + col, y), palette[char as usize]);
fn load_palette(&self, palette: VramPalette) -> [u8; 4] {
let Some(offset) = palette.offset() else {
return utils::GENERIC_PALETTE;
let palette = self.palettes.borrow().read(offset);
let brightnesses = self.brightness.borrow();
let brts = brightnesses.range(0, 8);
utils::parse_palette(palette, brts)
impl VramImageLoader for CharDataLoader {
type Resource = CharDataResource;
fn id(&self) -> &str {
concat!(module_path!(), "::CharDataLoader")
fn add(&self, resource: &Self::Resource) -> Option<VramImage> {
match resource {
CharDataResource::Character { palette, index } => {
let mut image = VramImage::new(8, 8);
self.update_character(&mut image, *palette, *index);
CharDataResource::CharacterData { palette } => {
let mut image = VramImage::new(8 * 16, 8 * 128);
self.update_character_data(&mut image, *palette);
fn update<'a>(
&'a self,
resources: impl Iterator<Item = (&'a Self::Resource, &'a mut VramImage)>,
) {
for (resource, image) in resources {
match resource {
CharDataResource::Character { palette, index } => {
self.update_character(image, *palette, *index)
CharDataResource::CharacterData { palette } => {
self.update_character_data(image, *palette)
Reference in New Issue